The Foreigh Exchange Market

The exchange rate

The trading of currency and bank deposits denominatedin particular currencies takes place here

Participants in the Forex

The largest money central banks

Maintain large investories of key foreign currencies

Trade currencies with each other through an ecxhange of deposits

Headquartred in NYC, Tokyo, London and other financial world centres

Kinds of exchange rate transactions

Techniques so deal with currency risk

Professional traders may take advaneage of the arbitrage opportunity

Dealers and brokers usually qote not one? but two echange rates for each pair of currencies: a bid (buy) price and an ask (sell) price



Settlement is usually within one or two business days

An agreement to deliver a specified amount at a set price on some value date within 1,2,3,6 or 12 months

Currency swaps

Currency futures contracts

Currency options

It`s an agreement between two parties to excange two currencies at a certain exchange rate at a certain time in the future

It is a contract that garanties the holder`s right, but not the obligation? to buy or sell currency at a specified exchange rate during a specified period of time

It is a future contract to exchange one currency for another on a specified date in the future at a price (exchange rate) that is fixed on the purchase date

The largest financial market in the market

Also known as the "Forex" or "FX" market

Considered an ower-the-counter or "interbank" market

Consist of two tiers: the interbank or wholesale market, and the client or retail market

The central institutions are commercial banks


Make profit from buying foreing exchange at a bid price and reseling it in higher ask price

Can be bank or non-bank institutions

Operate in both the interbank and client market

Participants in commercial and investment transactions

Importeters and exporters international portfolio investors multinational firms

Use the foreigh exchange market to taclitate execution of commercial or investment transactions

Use the foreigh exchange market to hedge foreigh exchange risks


make profit from exchange rates changes


Central banks and tresuares
