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The Diary of Anne Frank - Coggle Diagram
The Diary of Anne Frank
Mr. Frank
Mr. Frank is the only member of his family who survived this bad situation. He came back to say good-bye to his past life.
Once he goes back to the hideout, he can not bare all of the stuff/memories that he has gone through. So, he decides that he has to leave and say good-bye forever.
"I can't stay in Amsterdam, Miep. It has too many memories for me." Scene 1 Mr. Frank is visiting the place where he last saw his family one last time.
Mr. Frank cares very much for his children. He gave Anne a diary to record what happened while they were hiding upstairs.
"Anne's diary." "Monday, the sixth of July, nineteen forty-two." Mr. Frank begins to read what Anne had written in Scene 1. This was when he was leaving Amsterdam.
Mr. Frank welcomes the Van Daan family to the hideout. The Frank family was a little late because they had to hide from the Green Police.
Mr Frank says,"After all, we'll have the plenty of leisure to arrange everything ourselves" The families will need to move the furniture where it is needed for this long stay in hiding. Scene 2
Mr. Frank wants to make sure his children are still getting a good education while they are hiding. So, he grades their work in the evening.
Mr. Frank tells "Anne, you got an excellent in your history paper today...and very good in Latin." This is from Scene 3 after Mr. Frank graded the girls' work for the day.
Mr. Frank has a special relationship with Anne while Mrs. Frank doesn't get along with Anne as well. Mr. Frank feels bad about this situation and tries to talk to Anne about it.
Mr. Frank talks to Anne about her mother. He says, "You hurt her very much just now. She's crying. She's in there crying." Mr. Frank feels bad for both of them and wants it to be better. This took place in Scene 4.
Mr. Frank likes to celebrate Hanukkah with his family and the other people that are staying there with them. He is the leader for this celebration. Anne surprised him with a gift.
Mr. Frank said, "Anneke...I wasn't supposed to have a present!". Anne made and gave Mr. Frank a muffler scarf. He was so surprised and proud of Anne. This was taken from Scene 5.
Mrs.Frank is worried about on how her family would be living up here during this time and until the war was over.
'It's illegal, then, the ration books? We've never done anything illegal" and Mrs. Frank said this to Mr. Kraler in Scene 2.
Margot Frank
very smart, great student
Margot Frank is the older sister to Anne Frank, and is the first child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank.
Goes to her mom for comfort instead of her dad, and is always there for her mom.
Margot is talking to her mother and says, "It's a phase..You heard Father...Most girls go through it...they turn to their fathers at this age...they give all their love to their fathers. Margot is being a good, caring daughter to her mother. This was in Scene 4.
Margot is worried about everybody in the hideout and every one that is helping them stay upstairs and hidden from the Green Police.
"The news sounds pretty bad,doesn't it? It's so different from what Mr. Kraler tells us. Mr. Kraler says things are improving" This was Margot talking in Scene 3 to her mother.
Margot is very helpful daughter to everyone. She helps in the kitchen to prepare the little bit of food they had.
Margot says, "I have to help with supper." This shows she takes responsibility in Scene 3.
Margot is very happy with her unexpected Hanukkah gift from her sister and it is very thoughtful, and can not wait to do it all again.
After Anne gave Margot her gift, Margot said, "It's wonderful, Anne. Thank you. You'd never know it wasn't new." This shows how much Margot truly loves her younger sister. This was from Scene 5.
In the end, Margot was discovered and captured. She died in the end with most of her family.
Anne Frank
wears a cape,long wool socks, and carries a school bag when she first gets to the hide out.
brave, outgoing, speaks her mind on topics, kind
is one of the daughters to Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Margot is her older sister
In Anne's free time she likes to play with Peter's cat because she misses her own. She had to leave her cat behind when their family went into hiding.
"Then I'll have to stop being a stranger, won't I?" Anne said this in Scene 2 to Peter
Anne had a friend before she and her family went into hiding. Once she and her family went into hiding she never saw her again.
Once Anne got the dairy that she has been wanting for so long, she was so happy. She soon realized that she did not have a pencil to write in it with so she was going to go down stairs to grab one. Just as she was about to leave the hide out, her father grabbed her and pulled her back in the hide out. It was not safe so instead he gave her his fountain pen to write with in her new dairy.
"I expect I should be describing what it feels like to go into hiding. But I really don't know yet myself." Anne starts to write in the diary and this is what she started with after Mr. Frank gave her the fountain pen.
While Anne was in the hideout she noticed that every now and then their would be a disagreement between Mr. and Mrs. Van Daan.
"I never heard grownups quarrel before. I thought only children quarreled." Scene 3 Anne stated this to the adults in the room.
At night, Anne and the others can still hear the air raids of the Green police. This constant noise makes its way into Anne's dreams and causes her to scream loudly because she does not want to be captured.
"No! No! Don't...don't take me!" Anne screams this when she is sleeping in Scene 4. It proves that she is really scared while hiding.
Anne likes to celebrate Hanukkah with her family each year. This year, they are in hiding during Hanukkah.Anne makes presents for all the people in hiding. She put a lot of thought into these gifts.
"There's a lot more, songs and presents." Anne said this while they were beginning to celebrate Hanukkah in Scene 5.
Mr. Van Daan
At the beginning of the Scene 2, when we first meet Mr. Van Daan he is trying to comfort his wife. She is freaking out that the Franks are not there yet. When they finally meet up, Mrs. Van Daan is so relieved and Mr. Van Daan is truly grateful that they are doing this for them.
Mr. Van Daan tells Mrs. Van Daan, "They have two miles to walk. You can't expect....." He is trying to comfort his wife because they arrived before the Franks. This takes place in Scene 2.
Mr. Van Daan does not like to eat beans for supper but unfortunately that was all that Meip had gotten for them to eat using their ration books.
Mr. Van Daan asks, "What's for dinner tonight?" and Mrs. Van Daan answers, "Beans." Mr. Van Daan responds, "Not again!" He is unhappy about always eating small portions of beans for food. This takes place in Scene 3.
For Hanukkah, Anne made two cigarettes for Mr. Van Daan. He was surprised, shocked and he said, "Cigarettes!" Then he said, "Thank you, Anne. Thank you." This was in Scene 5. He was very happy to receive this gift and smoked one right away.
Peter Van Daan
He considers himself as a lone wolf. This is evident when he rips off the "Star of David". He said he is not going anywhere, why have it on. Scene 2
wears a cap, raincoat when he first goes into the hide out
He does not like it when Anne is in his room and is making fun of him by wearing his clothes. He tries to get even when he makes fun of her.
While everybody was supposed to be sleeping and Anne was screaming her head off. An unexpected guest decided to come into the store downstairs and steal all of the money. Unfortunately, while Peter was trying to turn off the light, he fell off the chair and now the intruder knows that they are upstairs hiding.
His dad is really mad at him for giving away their hiding place. Peter offered to go. He said, "I'll go." Scene 5 but this never took place. They just hoped for the best.
Since Peter was sixteen years old, Anne gave him a razor to shave off his mustache. This was her Hanukkah gift to him. This was in Scene 5.
Mrs. Van Daan
Mrs. Van Daan said during the Hanukkah celebration that she wanted it to be over and back to normal. She remembered, "And the potato pancakes." She always made them. She ended it with "God willing." Scene 5
Mrs. Van Daan is very proud of her brown, long fur coat.
Mrs. Van Daan let Anne try on her coat. She said, "It's all right...but careful with it. My father gave me that the year before he died. He always bought the best that money could buy." She was very proud of this possession she had. This was in Scene 3.
Anne spilled milk on Mrs. Van Daan coat by accident. Mrs. Van Daan did not take this very well and upset with Anne.
She cared deeply about her son, Peter.
Mrs. Van Daan said, "You'll be all right, Peter? You're not afraid?" This was when Peter had to stay in the small room, size of a closet by himself. It shows how much she is worried about Peter. This happened in Scene 2.
Mrs. Van Daan is talking and said, "So what? And you're sixteen. Just perfect. Your father's ten years older than I am." She was explaining to Peter that age doesn't matter when you meet the right person, you will know it (referring to Anne). This was in Scene 3.
Miep Gies
protective, compassionate, thoughtful, protective
She is a Dutch girl about 22 years old. She is currently pregnant and "she wears a coat and hat." Scene 1 She is there with Mr. Frank looking at what was left of the hideout.
Miep still lived through this Nazi takeover. She was not one of the people hiding, she was a silent helper for the families.
Miep helped the families hiding upstairs by bringing them the supplies they needed such as food. She usually brought them cans of beans for food.
Miep was talking with the families when she said, "Forgive me. I have to hurry. I've got to go to the other side of town to get some ration books for you." She is very helpful to them as they hid in that space. Scene 2
Mr. Dussel
He was not expecting a gift from Anne at Hanukkah. He was shockingly surprised and could not believe that she even thought of him to make a him a gift for Hanukkah.
Anne gave him the gift. Mr. Dussel said, "Capsules! Two capsules!" Scene 5 Anne told him no they were ear-plugs. Dussel said "Ear-plugs?" Scene 5 Dussel tried they out and then complained and said, "Good God! They've gone inside! I can't get them out!" Scene 5 Eventually, he got them out of his ears and thanked Anne for the gift for Hanukkah.
While hiding out inside for so long, he is worried that his dentist hand will lose its touch, if he does not get back to doing his job soon.
When he first arrived to the hideout, he couldn't believe his eyes and said, "Mr. Otto Frank?" This was from Scene 3. This was a surprise because everyone thought they had left the area.
Mr. Dussel brings news of the outside. He says, "Mr. Van Daan, you don't realize what is happening outside that you should warn me of a thing like that. You don't realize what's going on...." Scene 3 He went on to explain that the families are being separated and sent away to different places.
Mr. Dussel has to share a room with Anne. He does not like how she scream in the night with nightmares. Remember, he always lived alone. "Let us hope so." Scene 4 He takes a pill to feel better before going to sleep.
He is a very serious man. He worries about his practice and what will come of him. He wonders how long he will have to hideout. He had to adjust to the way of life in the hideout.
Mr. Dussel is worried when they hear a noise downstairs. He says, "I think some day he'll be caught and then he'll make a bargain with the Green Police...if they'll let him off, he'll tell them where some Jews are hiding!" Scene 5 This shows that he is doubtful that they will be safe much longer in the hideout.
Mr. Kraler
dependable, kind, helpful
Mr. Kraler said, "I never thought I'd live to see the day when a man like Mr. Frank would have to go into hiding." Mr. Kraler respected Mr. Frank since they were both business men. This was from Scene 2.
When Mr. Kraler was informed about Mr. Dussel he did not know where to turn or what to do with him so he asked the already hiding guests if it was ok for them to take in a another persion this is what Mr. Kraler said in Scene 3 "
Mr. Kraler said, "Usually, when I come up here, I try to bring you some bit of good news. What's the use of telling you the bad news when there's nothing that you can do about it?" He is like their lifeline to the outside world. This is from Scene 3.
Mr. Kraler asked the families if they would take another person. He was a Jewish dentist and needs a place to stay for few days. Mr. Frank agreed. So, Mr. Kraler said, "I'll get him." This was from Scene 3.
Mr. Kraler said, "Thank you, Mr. Frank. Thank you all. Mr. Dussel, I leave you in good hands." This shows the respect that the men have for each other and also the trust they have too. This is from Scene 3.