New perspectives in Ibsen Studies 2020


Digital Humanities

Ibsen's Houses


Methodological shifts


traditional --> digital

Potential to change our understanding of Ibsen

Place and space affects characters throughout different plays and in different ways.

qualitative --> quantitative (close/distant reading)

textual --> digital

Forgery as a mirror of society, reflects problems and interpretations of literature in contemporary society

Unfamiliar in the "familiar": the uncanny and un-belongness to one's own house

Forgery as a act of reception, forger as a middleman between the work and the reader


Visualising data

they say something on the "phenomenon" Ibsen, not Ibsen hmself

Network analysis


Soft power



Software/Computational Skills

SQL queries (extracting data - step 1)

GIS (maps)

click to edit

Difference between house and home


Visone (networks)

Enemy of the People

A Doll's House

Forgery as a form of soft power?

House enviroment as a whole character by itself


Methodological challenge with close and distant readings/qualitative and quantitative

Adaptation as a form of soft power

Ibsen as a "Norwegian" good to be exported

"house" over "doll"

modern unhomely rather than a traditional
understanding of the uncanny

targets the entire familial, social,
and architectural systems

Ibsen as a "Master Razer": according to the critic he was destroying instead of building social pillars

Gatas Gynt

Value of inclusion - theatre as a social act

The truth about Beata's death that deataches Rosmer from his place and, subsequently, Rebecca

Religious and secular issues


Method: close reading, stage analysis and reception

More complicated than a traditional theoretical framework

The white horse: a
portent of death

Sensitivity of data/digital archives