Developing literacy skills and engagement in K-6 learners from a diverse background in urban settings

Diverse Backgrounds

Getting to know the family/background

Possible home visits?

Chatting with the family often

Using a student's native language



Being aware of my own identity

what privleges go along with that?

What that means to other students (can they relate?

Being honest about my own identity/sharing that

Engaging students

What motivates students?

Letting students have say

Leading discussions

Classroom structure

Classroom norms

Student choose their own books

Knowing student's interests

Encouraging Collaboration

Group projects

students are allowed to ask peers questions

Literacy Skills

Assess students

Providing students with a lot fo resources

Tells you where to begin instruction

tracks progress

will tell you if interventions/lessons are helping

Classroom library

Diverse texts AND diverse authors

Digital media access

RTI Model
