Is it fair that women's sport lags behinds men's, and what can be don't to combat this

Big Difference

Little difference

In the top 100 highest paid athletes the first women to appear is no.51.

100 years ago the women football was getting 50,000-60,000 viewers per game. this was the case until the FA banned for 50 years and since then the gap between men and women have never been the same

out of the top ten highest paid women, 9 play tennis. this shows that tennis is the most equal in pay.

the sallary cap between men and women NBA is €226 million

there is equal pay for men and women in Wimbledon, even though the men have to pay an extra 2 sets. this shows that the difference between is none at all.

the girls football in the US has a higher revenue to the mens

the WNBA is starting to get more showing on TV with more 40 more games being broadcasted.

in Baseball the revenue of mens is 10billion to the women 25 million

the revenue of the WNBA is €117,500 to the €37.4 million

big companies like Adidas and Nike are starting to sponsor women sports teams and giving them support money showing the gap in closing between the genders.

40% of women experience gender discrimination. although this is a lot this has come down from a very high percentage from previous years.

on a whole the female earns 88 cent to a males €1

men are stronger for certain sport and so viewers only want to watch the best which means more money for that gender's sport.

During a survey, which asked professional athletes whether men and women are treated equally in the workplace, 72% of men said yes, compared to only 46% of women who said yes.

39% of women aged 16 and over are not active enough to get the full health benefits of sport and physical activity, compared to 35% of men.

What can be done to combat this

1) Broadcast more of women sport. 2) supply the big women events in a big arena so more money can be made. 3) Make sure women have the same amount of opportunities. 4) Allow women to have an equal say. 5) target this problem when the athletes are at a young age.

The average woman misses out on more than $400,000

A total of 83% of sports now reward men and women equal prize money

the worst offenders and example of difference

Football, Cricket, golf, darts and snooker

the first women darts player won in a major championship

the London Olympics was the first major event where every women represented their country in every sport