Leadership through Musical Conductors

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does music relate to composers 👥

No matter what you do in life leadership is being demonstrated ⭐

Bad Leader Feedback

Analyzing 5 great conductors






great leader

Viewing musicians as instruments, not individuals

Comes off rude

Good Leader Feedback

leads in a clear but stern manner

When needed, the authority is there, but authority isn't enough to make people your partners.

Not liked by peers

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Does things by the book

not always an effective approach

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Conducts with closed eyes

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Sample Population of Conductors

From different parts of the world

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Each have unique styles and techniques used for conducting

toss the baton because he doesn't need it

Good, bad, unusual ways of conducting

lets the musicians tell the story

does music involve great leadership?

no matter what you do leadership is a quality you need

Conductors show what they value through music

connection is key



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2 approches

power approach

allows for creativity

lead by force


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MIXTURE of the power and passive

conductors are leaders

what 's in effect?

managers are the leaders in the bus. world

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Central idea

visuals and hearing

audience engaged

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bad leader feedback

using people as instruments

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Good leader feedback

when needed authority is there