Second World war
causes desire for expansion of Nazi Germany
September 17 occupies eastern Poland
Germany invades Poland one September
poland surrenders in three weeks
They declare war on Germany
World War 2 begins
Soviet Union
September 3, France and Great Britain declare war on Germany
instead finland
1940 spring Germany invades Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, France
June 14 Paris occupied by the Nazis, France surrendered
France split in two North under occupation German military South collaborationist government
General De Gaull did not give up and ran away to organize the resistance
August / September Great Britain (with W, Churcill) defeated the German advance
1941 Germany with the army supports Italy in Africa and in the Baicans
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Conflict becomes worldwide
7 December the Gappone attacks and destroys the United States fleet (HAWAII)
USA and Great Britain declare war on Japan ally with Germany
June 22 Germany: plan barbarossa invasion of the USSR 3 million men many Italians
The Soviets resisted but lost
Baltic countries,
part of Ukraine,