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New Media and Digital Culture - Coggle Diagram
New Media and Digital Culture
Introduction to New Media
What is New Media?
The understanding of New Media that is clear to me was defined by Socha and Eber-Schmid as they state, " The definition of New Media changes daily, and will continue to do so" (Par 1).
The Medium Is The Message
McLuhan states, "We praise the advantages of high speed personal travel made available by the automobile, but do not really want to be reminded of the pollution it causes" (Par 13).
Technological Determinism
"Technological determinism is a reductionist theory that assumes that a societies technology determines the development of its social structure and cultural values" (Thorstein Veblen Par 1).
Soft determinism is a more passive view on how technology effects socio-political situations and believes technology is a guiding force in our evolution. Hard determinism views technology as developing independent from social concerns and that technology creates a powerful set force acting to regulate our social activity.
Social Shaping of Technology
Winner goes on and pointed out problems with the social construction of technology which included the failure to consider the social consequences of technical choices, irrelevant social groups who have an influence on shaping.
History of The Smartphone
The Accidental Universe
Lightman states, “Using technology we have redefined ourselves in such a way that our immediate surroundings and relationships, our immediate sensory perceptions of the world, are much diminished in relevance” (140).
Online you can make yourself look like something completely different than who you are and can change your personality to however you want to be seen like.
Tools of the Mind
Technology has progressed so much over time and it has come to a time where everything we do is based around technology. We use technology every single day and may not even know it.
Google Knowing
Today most of us use the internet every single day to look up questions or to gain more knowledge about our world in general. Google-knowing, knowledge acquired online, is so fast that you could find anything out in a matter of seconds.
Our Digital Form of Life
We are becoming digital humans as it is getting more and more normal to be accessing the internet daily. The internet of things is changing to the internet of us. Technology has become something so large in our lives and is considered an amazing invention, but we rarely think about how dependent we are getting on our technology.
Lynch states, “A device that gives you a world of information also gives the world huge amounts of information about you, and that might seem like a threat to privacy” (4).
Habit-Making Devices
Marvel App
Made an example of an internet source. I made a website where you could see a list of every CCU activity coming up and the date and times of them so you can attend.
Use. Gratify. Repeat
Film Theory and Analysis
There are two different types of content, explicit and implicit. Explicit content means basically the moral of the story or the attitude the author gives off through the acting of the characters. Implicit content is known as a deeper level of interpretation which is shown in less obvious ways but still shows the development of characters.
A couple approaches people take to look at films are formalist, realist, contextualist, psychological, generic, genetic.
Kurzweil & the Technological Singularity
Technology can be a positive thing in the future because it could have the power to help and cure those sick or in need but it also has lots of downsides.
technologies keep growing and growing and into the future will keep getting more changed and manufactured not only for the better but also for the worse.
Her Film Analysis
Her grasps at our imaginative self as it dives
into a world in which is completely revolved around technology and love.
The film Her is a film that shows what our future could potentially look like. A world mixed with love, intensity, and pain. As we are taken through the journey of the main character. Theodore, we can see him as he goes through the hardest times of his life, to the happiest times of his life, then back down to the hard times.
The film Her is about the struggles of a man trying to find love as challenged with insanity, panic, and loneliness after struggling with the
Outsourcing Memory
Mastering Memory
A study on the “Google Effects on Memory” shows how we have been adapting to having so much information on our fingertips and how we are learning what the computer had learned and knows.
We get so sucked into social media and technology today that we forget about all the hackers that are out there that can commit fraud and steal your identity.
The Internet Debate: Shirky, Carr, & Poundstone
Stated on page 2, “Only when we pay deep attention to a new piece of information are, we able to associate it "meaningfully and systematically with knowledge already well established in memory," writes the Nobel Prize-winning neuroscientist Eric Kandel.
In the text Does the Internet Make You Dumber by Nicholas Carr, it talks about how when we are constantly distracted by the many things we see online, for example advertisements popping up constantly, then we are unable to be deep thinkers and really understand the information we are viewing.
In the text, The Internet Isn’t Making Us Dumber- It's Making Us More ‘Meta-Ignorant by William Poundstone, it talks about how we cannot really admit to something unless we are very intelligent.
Digital Socialities
People Would Rather Be Electrically Shocked
67% of men and 25% of women chose to shock themselves instead of sitting there alone with their thoughts.
Whitehead states, "If we knew how to steer our thoughts in a pleasant direction and enjoy the experience, maybe we wouldn’t hate to be alone with ourselves" (Par 12).
The Social Debate: Rosen and Hampton
We are spending so much time on our devices maintaining relationships that we get very little face to face connection.
Hampton states, “In studies with my students and collaborators, we have found that Internet and cellphone users, and especially those who use social media, tend to have more diverse and a larger number of close relationships” (4).
Rosen states, “Research shows that virtual-world friends provide mostly bridging social capital, while real-world friends provide bonding social capital” (3).
Going Dark
Meditation Exercise
This exercise relieved much stress that was hanging onto my shoulders and this exercise helped clear my mind.
Time Well Spent
At the end of the video the text on the screen states, "Imagine a future where technology is built on our values, not our screen time" (3:38). I think that if everyone learns to manage their devices in positive and influential ways then it will decrease the addiction and amount of time that we spend relying on our phones. Hopefully soon we can make the positives of technology raise over the negatives.
Bored and Brilliant
People today are missing out on boredom and giving up the ideas that we could have. When you are not on your phone for a long time you can come up with great ideas. People need to rethink how much time they are spending on their phones.
I think that we all have the opportunity to be creative and amazing but we often won't.
The Smartphone Paradox
Very influential book by AJ Reid. Talked about all the ways technology, especially the smartphone played both positive and negative roles in our life.
Taught me to be more self aware on my time spent on technology and showed me ways to get disconnected leading to a happier, healthier life.