I heard the sound of a stick and a shambling step on the flags in the passage outside, and the door creaked on its hinges as a second old man entered, more bent, more wrinkled, more aged even than the first. He supported himself by a single crutch, his eyes were covered by a shade, and his lower lip, half averted, hung pale and pink from his decaying yellow teeth. He made straight for an arm-chair on the opposite side of the table, sat down clumsily, and began to cough. The man with the withered arm gave this new-comer a short glance of positive dislike; the old woman took no notice of his arrival, but remained with her eyes fixed steadily on the fire.
4)How many writing techniques have you identified in this description? Name them with quotes from the description.
6)Is the voice of the narrator in first, second or third person?
8)What are the sentences like? (simple, compound, complex)
1)This extract might have been taken from a piece of descriptive
writing or a book with a descriptive style of writing .
2)This text might have been written for an average 4th grader since the text is easily read and doesn't have many rare words.
9) The character because the writer how the character looked like in detail and it gave a clear image of him the features of the man are well described .