Knowledge is psychic object, so how it reaches objects?
17.10 In all of its manifestations, knowledge is a mental experience; it belongs to knowing subject. The known objects stand over against it. How, then, can knowledge be sure of its agreement with the known objects? How can knowledge go beyond itself and reach its objects reliably? Perception is an experience that belongs to me. Likwise, memory, expectation, all the acts of thought built upon them. How do I, the knowing subject, know - and how can I know for sure – that not only my experiences, these acts of knowing, exist, but also what they know exists? Indeed, how do i know that there is anything at all that can be set over against knowlede as an object?
If so, should i reach solipsism?
17.11 If I will acknowledge that only phenomena are given to knowing subject and the knowing subject never gets beyond its experiences then should I adopt solipsism? Should I reduce all transcendent objectivity to mere fictions, which can be explained by means of psychology, but not rationally justified?