The Mole Concept
The mole is the amount of any substance, which contains the same number of particles (atoms, ions, formula, or electrons) as there are carbon atoms. Exactly 12 grams of Carbon-12.
The number of Particles per mole is known as Avagrados Number (6.02 x 10^23)
Avogadro’s Law states that equal volumes of all gases, under the same conditions of temperature and pressure contain the same number of moles or molecules. If the volume is 24 dm3, at room temperature and pressure, this number, once again, is the Avogadro constant.
Molar Mass
The molar mass of a substance is the mass, in grams, of one mole.
The molar volume of a gas is the volume occupied by one mole at a particular temperature and pressure.
It is Equal to 24 dm3 at r.t.p