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Research Question: How can applied drama be used to motivate youths from…
Research Question: How can applied drama be used to motivate youths from disadvantaged backgrounds to explore their aspirations?
Article 9: Proactive career behaviours – measured using the Proactive Career Behavior Measure (Strauss, Griffin & Parker, 2012). The measure consists of four subscales, each comprising 3 items. The subscales are career planning, proactive skill development, career consultation and network building. Link
Article 19: The importance of career clarity and proactive career behaviours in predicting positive student outcomes: Evidence across two cohorts of secondary students in Singapore
1) Information-oriented where individuals deliberately seek out and use relevant information when solving problems.
2) Normative orientation where individuals rely on and conform to standards of significant others (family, idols) and referent groups. (Can be of beneficial when we bring in a authoritative figure into our workshop.) (mostly prevalent in foreclosed status - which is our youth at risks)
3) Diffuse/avoidant orientation which is characterized as defensive maneuvering with a reluctance to face problems and where one continually procrastinates and delays
**Article 3: From the information that tasek jurong provided us, we can infer that that they posssibly fall under these three catogeries
Article 20: Self Esteem -
Acts as an anxiety buffer with those having high self esteem. Thus they can cope better in stressful situations. They are equipped to manage the adaptation process of of developing career interests & making career related decisions. (with youth at risks, their self esteem might not be the highest. Thus it is crucial that that we have self esteem & confidence building activities)
Article 20:
Internal Vs External Career Locus of Control.
- Those with internal LOC believe they are in-charge of their life & are determined by their own actions. These group of people make mature career decisions. One can exercise personal control via GOAL SETTING** (AN important aspect to our workshop, enable youths to set realistic goals and pathways to reach that goal. (something like 5 year plan?))
Article 25: Drama Theory: • Victor Turner's Liminal & Liminoid
- A space where people experiment with different selves, emotions and actions (EG: drama performance), in return getting emotional release, change perspectives or improve quality of life.
More information on this theory, read Article 27
Article 29: Gender Differences for Optimism, Self-esteem, Expectations and Goals in Predicting Career Planning and Exploration
- Main factor for males: optimism and self-esteem influenced career expectations
- Main factor for females: optimism directly influencing career goals
Individualistic vs Collectivistic Culture
Self Authorship
Is to evaluate one's views when confronted with conflicting views, to consider other perspectives instead of being consumed by them and to have an internally generated personal belief system that regulates our interpretations of experience.
She believes work & career experience help youths to develop an internal belief system
Article name: The Relationship Between Vocational Self-Concept, Ego-Identity
Development, and Vocational Decision-Making
Help students reflect on their beliefs. The ideal course has to help youths to explore, narrow and commit them to an occupation.
Framework for career program suggested-
1) Explore themselves
2)Determine interests, skills,goals.
3) Teach quality Decision making* processes
Helping students to set (appropriately) challenging self-development goals may be a useful intervention
How does our applied drama program achieve positive youth development?
- Supportive relationships
- Life-skill building (Self-authorship)
- Opportunities to belong (common goal)
- Support for efficacy and mattering