Ancient Greeks
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Greeks basically made up all ideas of modern-day society. For example
The Greeks mostly depended on the sea because that's how they had access to fish and trade. As the population grew they had to form city-states. They called it a polis, and it means a city-state in ancient Greece. Each city-state had its government and seats of laws. They had in an oligarchy are a group of wealthy people who held power over a larger group of citizens. Some city-states were runned by democracies, which means people taking part in running there government. The two most important city-states were Sparta and Athens. Sparta was an oligarchy they were ruled by two kings. They believe in war and self-discipline. Sparta doesn't believe in free speech and new ideas. On the other hand, Athens believed in new ideas and change, instead of being thought violence in school they learned geometry, music, and art, etc.
Who invented the idea of war?
Why did Sparta take boy at such a young?
If Greek boys couldn't prove that they were able to fight why throw them off cliff, instead they should've put them back home with their families?
Why did Sparta not allow freedom of speech and new ideas?
Sparta was the city-state of practicing war and violence.
Athens was a city-state that believed in free-thinking and believed in human kindness meaning be nice to each other and rebel against war.
Greeks rely on the sea to fish and trade
If mean aren't ready for war they get killed
oligrachy means a group of rich people hold power over a large group of citizens.
In 2011 Greece had about 11 million people in population
Greece is one of the most popular Tourist attrations