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Unit 3: Land-Based Empires (1450-1750) - Coggle Diagram
Unit 3: Land-Based Empires (1450-1750)
Gunpowder Empires
they were all islamic
gunpowder was essential to their success
good military and economic success (strong and stable economy)
vast territories were conquered bc of their use of gunpowder
Ottoman Empire
one of the largest and longest empires under control of eastern Rome
Byzantine empire was Christian
Byzantine empire could not keep up with Islam growing and the golden age
started with the leader Osman, led a strong military
they conquered Constantinople in 1453
100,000 against 10,000 Byzantine vs Ottomans, end of Rome
Istanbul means full of Islam
built alliances with Christians. they control the Mediterranean Sea (for trade purposes)
they have a unique location (crossing point for eastern & western culture)
they had a strong military and central government, their empire had a slow and steady decline.
longest reigning sultan was Suleiman the Magnificent. there was a long single line of rulers.
in an attenpt to keep their power through the dirshire system, christian boys were taken to serve the ottoman government. boys passed through a series of examination to determine smarts & capabilities. boys were converted to Islam
they were taught academics so they could eventually work in the palace. academics were some of the best int he country. they were basically slaves (most considered it an honor though). method lasted through the 16th century
Safavid Empire
located in modern day Iran (1501-1722)
it was at theocracy. state religion was shi'a Islam. no other religions were allowed.
economic strength came from its location on trade routes.
empire made Iran a center for art, architecture, poetry, and philosophy.
capital was Isfahan, it is one of the prettiest cities in the world
declined when it became COMPLACENT & CORRUPT!
Mughal Empire
ruled most of India &Pakistan in the 16th & 17th century
spread Muslim & particularly Persian art, culture, and faith
they were Muslim with many Hindu followers
centralized government brought together many smaller kingdoms
they had a delegated government with respect for human rights.
Persian language was mixed with Arabic & Hindu to create Urdu
period of great religious tolerance
a system of education that took account of pupils' needs and culture
vassals who ruled over their respective territories
commanded military power
engaged in wars and used to plunder neighboring kings
looks after improvements in their lands
Taj Mahal
it is an enormous mausoleum
built in 1632 by Shah Jahan
a mamorial created for Shah Jahan's favorite wife
took 20 years to build
it is located on the southern bank of the Yamuna River in Agia India
architecture included Indian, Persian, and Islamic influences.
made with white marble
also had semi-precious gems (jade, crystal, lapiz, amethyst, & turquoise)
intricate designs were known as "pietra diela"
45,000 people a day visit the Taj Mahal
he was buried next to his when he died
Divine Right of Kings
basically said that kings got their power from God & to no tbe held accountable for their earthly actions.
all of it was fake so it wouldn't place the blame on the king
originated in Europe. church & state are not seperated
people could not read the bible bc it was in Latin so they just blindly believed that the kign knew what it said best.
Palace of Versailles
built by King Louis XIV. it is Europes largest chateau.symmetrical grand apartments. Hall of Mirrors. eventually the government moved there.
it was extended multiple times. French Revolution caused the family to leave
Peter the Great
was a Russian czar (17th century) who is best known for his extensive reforms.
inherited a nation that was underdeveloped. Russia rejected westernization and remained isolated.
focused on the development of science . he modernized Russia. known to be cruel and tyrranical.
he created a strong navy and reorganized the army according to the western standard.
he also secularized schools, administered greater control of the orthodox church, and introduced new dministrative & territorial divisions of the country.
married twice, had 11 kids, many died in infancy.
sikh means disciple
monotheistic religion, originated from Punjab region.
9th overall religion
Guru Granth Sahib is the sacres scripture
bagan @ c. 1500 CE when Guru began teaching a distinct faith different from Hinduism.
people just started following Guru around and a religion was born