Unit 4: Changing Society is a struggle

Related Concepts

Key Concepts

Global Context



Unit Questions









Statement of inquiry

Definition: A way to become different. Shaping a system the world, during a course of time that creates different effects.

Example: Evolution of the human nature has changed our way of living, of where and how we live.

Definition: A state of a being that has superiority within society, with governemnt

Example: Within Feudalism, The King and Nobles holds the highest prestige power and authority of the lower ranks

Example: The new designs in warfare technology has shaped the courses of war in the modern world.

Example: The military power is used as a threat to opposing countries. The higher military power, the more fearful is the opposition.

Definition: Is the idea of 2 sources helping each other to complete a goal, or benefit each other

Example: Ants cooperate together in 1 entity to support their kingdom with the queen ant, by hunting, building, creating bridges with their own bodies and communication.

Example: The US and multiple other nations cooperate with each other economically, as the US creates defensive treaties with other nations.

Definition: Taking command, having power over the people or organizations.

Example: Stalin has imposed his power over the Russian country, and has used his leadership to control and lead the people.

Example: Donald Trup has gained leadership privileges over the United States


How have individuals struggled to change society?

What are the characteristics of leadership?

Why is struggle necessary for societal change?

Why is cooperation through coalition-building difficult?

Should individuals establish and demonstrate power in their community?

Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making

Research – Information literacy
Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and make informed decisions

Changing Society is a struggle.

Who am I?

Who are we?

Explorations of:

Health: Physical, Mental, Social, Spiritual

Relationships: Family, Friends, communities, cultures

Personal Identity:Beliefs, Values, Ethics.

Shared community: Explorations in what it means to be humans.

This unit connects to me and my world today, by the different systems, religion, culture, governmental, ideological includes us in this world.