You meet up with an old friend, and she looks terrible. Her skin is sallow, her eyes are bloodshot and a bit yellow, and her hair seems to be falling out. She seems frail, thin, and fragile. Her movements are shaky. She tells you she is tired all the time, and she has stopped having normal menses.
Downstream effects
consumes no meat or animal
products including milk, eggs, or dairy
Upstream causes
No Gluten
no wheat, barley, Rye ECT.
consumes no meat or animal
products including milk, eggs, or dairy
No processed foods, or cooked foods
processed foods this my be a good diet only if she was eating the paleo diets (no processed food diet) friendly foods
Background information
The RDA for a healthy diet and why,
it all depends on the persons weight hight and gender but if you have a healthy balance of carbohydrates fats and proteins then you should have a healthy lifestyle
Nutrients: the three main types of macromolecules, plus vitamins, minerals, and water,
How nutrients are necessary for other body systems, including muscular, cardiac, endocrine,
nervous, and urinary.
Magnesium and calcium are minerals, can help maintain a healthy nervous system.
a wide variety of vitamins, fats and proteins and keep the cardiac system functioning properly