Reduce the stress in my life!
Change reaction to barking / whining dog
Change reaction to girls fighting
Change reaction to, "I have to clean" comment
Change reaction to "money talk" conversation
Exercise regularly
Take breathing focus breaks
Change reaction to parents / others' opinion comments
Stop comparing myself to others
Learn how to play the guitar
Journal about thoughts regularly
"Think" more
Spend more time being creative
Do more for others / family
Create more of a routine at work
Spend more time outdoors (in the woods)
Smile more!
After I hear the dog whine, bark or cry I will say, "I can handle this."
Celebration is to nod my head, smile and say, "oh yeah."
The 'Why' is that this will help reduce stress which is a leading indicator of our family happiness.
After I turn on my computer for the first time at the office, I will set my timer for 1 minute and journal in Onenote.
The 'Why' behind this is that it will contribute to me reducing stress and acknowledging feelings in my life, which is a key indicator of our family joy and happiness.
Celebration is to raise my hands about my head and say, "Yes!"
After I walk in the back door at the house, I will smile.
Celebration will be to say, "yes!"