So, how can you reduce the likelihood of failing due to obstacles? Identify obstacles that may discourage you. Unmasking the potential obstacles is a powerful exercise. This exercise will show that there aren’t as many as you thought and you will realize that you can overcome most of them. Have a plan for your obstacles (a contingency plan) and you won’t even have to think about what to do when they come. You will be prepared for whatever comes your way.
For example, let’s say I get the urge to smoke when I drink. I would either avoid drinking, drink somewhere that I’m not allowed to smoke, make an agreement to reward myself if I don’t smoke, think about how I will feel the next day, or have some gum or candy in my pocket to subdue my urge temporarily. Studies show that urges are temporary and if you can shift the focus away from it for a short time, it will go away. It’s a constant battle, but overtime, the number and intensity of the urges will drop.