María José Link Title
His father said that when Maria Jose was born, he really didn't feel great.
Because he wanted a boy.
Then, in a few months he was captivated by the smile of Maria Jose
So he start to love her with madness.
All the time he thinked in her.
One day, Maria Jose asked to his father.
Daddy when i turn fifteen, what will be my gift.
His father said.
But my love if you are barely ten years old, it isn't necesary to think in that.
The father of Maria Jose was happy because she was excelent student.
Maria Jose was all the time in the mind of her father.
One sunday Maria Jose stumbled
then a few minutes, she almost lost consciousness
His father was informed that her daughter suffered from a serious disease that seriously affected her heart.
His father had to gave up his job dedicate to the care of Maria Jose.
She stayed there for ten days.
Maria Jose asked him.
Then his father took her to the hospital.
I'm going to die, right ?
The people that who die go somewhere.
My daughter i don't know but if i died, i wouldn't leave you alone.
I would use the wind to come see you.
His father said, i wouldn't allow you to lose what i have loved the most in the world.
If i die one day, you will feel that i'm with you when a soft wind brushes your face and a cool breeze kisses your cheeks.
In this same day his father received a call.
His daughter was dying.
She need a heart.
It was friday afternoon when they got a donor, things were going to change.
On sunday afternoon, Maria Jose was undergoing surgery.
His father had not returned from the hospital.
Maria Jose missed him very much.
When Maria Jose got home.
Everyone sat on a sofa.
Her mother with tearful eyes handed her a letter from her father.
Maria Jose, my great love, at the moment of you reading my letter, you must be fifteen years old.
You will have a strong heart
When i knew you were going to die.
I decided give you an answer to a question that you asked me when you were ten and to which i did not answer.
I decide to make you the most beautiful gift.
I give you my life.
You can do with it that you want.
Live my daughter.
I love you.
Maria Jose cried all day.
The next day she went to the cementery and she cried a lot.
Daddy now i understand how much you loved me.
I love you too although i never told you.
At that moment a soft wind brush her face.
she smiled.
And she felt her father by her side.
So, is important say, i love you because they, maybe we wouldn't have the time to say some one the all the good things.
Is the moment to apologize for having ket silent.
Also is understand to important to love and value to the family.
You cannot imagine how sorry i'm not being whith you side right now.