Consider the view that an efficient government is more important than democracy
Efficient government
Democracy refers to a government that is ruled by the people
An efficient government refers to the government making rational decisions to yield the highest productivity and the best results for any situation.
Value Term
More important
SA1: In times of crisis, it is more important to implement measures to curb the situation immediately rather than to leave the decision making to the citizens which may delay the process and worsen it.
CA1: Democrats may argue that the government does not have the opinion of the citizens as such they may be unable to assume the needs of the citizens.
Rebuttal: Such a view fails to consider that the citizens of the country may not have sufficient knowledge about the issue at hand and may not be liable to make the best decisions.
Eg: Contrasting example of curbing situation of Covid-19 between New Zealand and USA
Eg: Gay rights in Russia
SA2: An efficient government ensures that there is a higher standard of living and quality of life for the citizens which is more important than having a democratic government which may result in poorer standard of living and quality of life for its citizens.
CA2: Democrats may opine that the argument is a hasty generalization as not all decisions made by democratic governments resort to violence and there have been many successes of decisions made by the public leading to good outcomes for the country.
Rebuttal: Such a view fails to consider that when a voting is done, it is based on majority wins and there will always be a minority that loses. When an efficient government makes a decision, there is no room for argument and it has to be accepted by the public and adhered to.
For example, a highly efficient country like Singapore is known to have a very high standard of living. There is also no violence as protests are only allowed to happen in a small lane in Hong Lim Park and those for who disobey the law will be punished leading to peace in the country.
Pakistan came into being as a result of a strong democratic movement under the leadership of Quaid-e-Azam. The people of Pakistan, who faced all the problems and difficult circumstances, showed their determination for gaining freedom. A public convention of the All-India Muslim League (AIML) passed a resolution which is the Lahore Declaration for a separate homeland for Muslims