1. Supervisor - The word supervisor refers to the person who supervises something while the word supervise means to be in charge of something and make sure that everything is done correctly and safely.

2. Information System - A set of interrelated computer components that collects, processes, stores, and provides as output the information needed to complete business tasks.

Web-Based - Web-based is usually being accessed over a network connection using HTTP or HTTPS for secure one and it normally being accessed through a desktop or a laptop.

Mobile Application - A mobile application can be accessed by using mobile native application instead of opening web browser to have access to it since it can be easily installed from Google play store or application store.

Comparison - Web-based is chosen to be used in this project.

3. Recommendation - Such systems forecast the desires of users based on their habits and help improve users' satisfaction with the advertised items.

Area of Interest

4. Notification - Notification can be described as an action of telling someone about something formally or informally.

Email Notification - Email allow users to receive and send information through a network.

Comparison - Email is better compared to SMS because email is more appropriate platform to be build-in in this proposed system.

Short Text Message (SMS) - A basic protocol to send and receive message in a form of text via hand phone, PDA, Blackberry and so on.

5. Related Work

6. Methodology - A guideline, roadmap or a framework for solving specific problem with specific components such as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and tools.

Agile - Has an adaptive team that can respond to changing of requirements. Agile method accepts changing requirements, even if it late in development.

Comparison - The methodology used to develop this project is waterfall model since it is easy to understand, easy to implement and the cost is low compared to other methodology. Since this project is in small scale, it is better to use waterfall model.

Waterfall - One of the traditional SDLC model, it follows only the sequential order and it flows steadily downwards.

Existing Application - LinkedIn is an application to search and apply a job, connect to business contacts and as a social network on-the-go

Existing Application - JobStreet is an application to find a job and get notified of new career opportunities.

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Information Assurance and Security (IAS)

Graphics and Visualization (GV)

Intelligent Systems (IS)

Computational Science (CN)

Networking and Communication (NC)

Algorithms and Complexity (AL)

Software Engineering (SE)

A Genetic Algorithm for Allocating Project Supervisors to Students - Their research is about allocating project supervisors to students using genetic algorithm technique