Foreign Policy of Kaiser Wilhelm II

Impact of German foreign policy on other countries



Austria- Hungary and Germany were being supportive towards each other

British: Tensions between the two powers grew over how necessary the navies were to these powers.

Domestic conditions that impacted on German foreign policy

Germany industrialised rapidly

More people lived in the cities. 11 million workers now where in the cities, they were the largest social group in all of Germany.

Their interests were not represented by the government

The Kaiser protected the Junkers. The German conservative landowners

The Junkers controlled various government institutions

The workers tended to vote for the German Social Democratic Party (unlike the Nationalist Socialist German Workers' Party since it wasn't invented yet)

the Prussian army

the legal system

the civil service

the diplomatic corps

Belief: Germany should slowly establish a socialist state

The Junkers had introduced some moderate reforms to quell the rise of socialism

Like: accident insurance, old age pensions

But they failed

When Bismarck was gone, they were 20% of the votes; in 1912, they were the largest

K. Wilhelm was scared of this rise of socialism

Tried to unite all classes through nationalism and militarism

Follow an aggressive foreign policy

The creation of Weltpolitik

France: There were too many tensions between these two powers, and now that France had allies Germany was surrounded by hostile powers.

Russia: Russia and France established a military alliance

Strengthened the Germany navy

Gain a lot of colonies (he wanted to, but he got like 5 lol)

Club goin' up
On a Tuesday

Young Savage, why you trappin' so hard?

Going to the jeweler, bust the AP, yeah

Black beatle in the city

Hey lil' mama would you like to be my sunshine?

How much money you got? (A lot)

How many problems you got? (A lot)

How many people done doubted you? (A lot)

Not domestic but international conditions

I put the new Forgi's on the G

l'Europe était en paix

Raindrops, drop tops (drop top)

Ça a fait que le kaiser Guillaume II pense qu'il n'y aurait pas des larges conflits