How Significant was the usage of tanks in the battle of Cambrai in Changing its outcome?
In your diary entry you could consider:

  • your feelings through the course of this battle
  • challenges you encountered as you fought
  • how this battle changed you as an individual

My character

My occupation

My traits

asses situations well

a general who serves the British

good leader

very good strategist

courageous person

Important facts of this battle


battle ended on December 8th 1917

battle started on November 20th 1917


British led by General Julian Byng

Germans led by Georg von der Marwitz

The flow of my diary entry

The date

December 10th 1917

The introduction

The body

The conclusion

How did the battle start?

I planned on using tanks

How I felt while battling.

How helpful was the usage of tanks?

Did this battle change me as a person?

tactics I planned out

The topography of Cambrai

The terrain

A chalky white plane

The weather

cold due to it being the months of November and December


weather worsened throughout the battle

Germans created a series of interlocking man-made canals


44000 British soldiers

45000 German soldiers

Tactics used by the British

British used the 476 tanks to invade Cambrai.

Terrain was ideal for this strategie

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This tactic of using tanks was good for this situation

It made me see how many casualties a battle can bring

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I felt in good condition

How much did we gain or loose?

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The weather had to be taken into consideration

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nine infantry divisions, five cavalry divisions and three tanks brigades from the British came up near came up near Cambrai.


  • History is in orange
  • Geography is in blue
  • English is in yellow
  • Connections between points is in cyan