Ovaries- primary female sex organs. Female gonad. They are paired, almond-shaped organ on either side of the uterus.
Suspensory ligament- secures ovary to lateral walls of pelvis
Ovarian ligament- attach ovary to uterus
Broad ligament- encloses suspensory ligament
Ductus system- delivery of female gamete
Uterine Fallopian Tube- receive the ovulated oocyte, provides a site for fertilization, attached medially to the uterus, does not physically attach to the ovary, supported by the broad ligament
Fimbriae- finger-like projections at the distal end that receive the oocyte from the ovary.
Cilia- inside the uterine tube slowly move the oocyte towards the uterus takes 3-4 days.
Fertilization occurs inside the Fallopian tubes.
Tubal Ligation- Uterine tubes are cut and ligated (tied).
Uterus- Located between the urinary bladder and rectum, functions to receive a fertilized egg, retain the fertilized egg, and nourishes the fertilized egg.
Support for uterus- Broad ligament: attached to the pelvis
Round ligament: anchor interiorly
Uterosacral ligament: anchored posteriorly
Regions of uterus: body- main portion, fundus- area where uterine tube enters, cervix- narrow outlet that protrudes into the vagina or opening into the uterus
Walls of uterus: Endometrium- inner layer;allows for implantaion of the fertilized egg, Myometrium- Middle layer of smooth muscle , Perimetrium- outer visceral peritoneum( covering pf abdominal organs).
Vagina- extends form to the cervix to the exterior of the body, behind the bladder and in front of rectum, serves at birth control, receives penis during sexual intercourse
Hymen- membrane that partially closes the vaginal opening
External Genitalia- also called the vulva, Mon pubis: fatty pad over the pubic symphysis, covered by pubic hair after puberty
Labia- skin folds around the vaginal opening
Labia majora- outer fold
Labia minora- inner fold
Vestibule- area enclosed by labia majora, contains the opening to the urethra and greater vestibular gland or bartholin's gland (produce mucus).
Clitoris- contains erectile tissue, corresponds to the male penis, can become engorged with blood during sexual stimulation
Mammary gland- modified sweat glands, present in both sexes, stimulated by sex hormones to increase in size