Localised form of infection that occurs following an infection to the hair follicle causing an abscess
Abscess forms in the ear
Pus generates
Severe pain inn the ear canal develops
There is loss of hearing
Allergic reaction
Cold temperature
Bacterial exposure to the ear
Virus infection
Risk factors
Seasonal changes
Poor air quality
Poor hygiene
Age; teenagers
Upper respiratory infection
Compromised immune system
Clinical Manifestations
Severe ear pain
Pus or tenderness
Visible abscess
Difficulty in sleeping
Mild headache
Nursing care plan
Administer prescribed analgesics
Administer prescribe antibiotics; flucloxacillin
Make patient lie on the unaffected ear
Emphasize personal and ear hygiene
Reduce pain
Educate patient about the condition
Encourage patient to voice their concerns
Health eduction
Encourage patient to clean the ear meatus thoroughly
Instruct the patient to finish the course of prescrbed antibiotics
Inform the patient correct method of taking medication as prescribed