However, both stories are about deception or lack of communication, and judgmentalism. These two narratives also have multiple perspectives, and are written in third person. These two texts have gender division and inequality, as a main feature of the plot. Gender division and inequality is demonstrated in New Boy in quotes such as "Until fifth grade, boys and girls had sometimes played together and declared themselves friends. But for the last two years of school, they'd separated and stayed with their own gender - unless they spent furtive moments together out of sight" - page 18 and "but at least it wasn't pink" - page 39. In Othello this theme was represented through Othello's reference to Desdemona as "O cursed, cursed slave!" and "Even like thy chastity"; which shows that women were labelled by their weaker position in power, and their marital status - this emphasises gender inequality. Alongside this reference, contextually this displays men's inability to communicate effectively with women especially during the Shakespearean era.