CARBOHYDRATES: 3 different categories exist. Sugars are carbohydrates that include both the monosaccharides glucose, fructose, and galactose and the disaccharides sucrose, lactose, and maltose. Other sugars include dextrose, brown sugar, honey, malt syrup, corn syrup, corn sweetener, high fructose corn syrup, invert sugar, molasses, raw sugar, etc. Starches are carbohydrates is a polysaccharide polymer of glucose molecules found within certain types of foods, including tubers, grains, and beans and peas. Breads and pasta are also primarily composed of starch refined starches are sometimes added as thickeners and stabilizers. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate includes fibrous molecules of both plants and animals that cannot be chemically digested absorbed by the GI tract. Sources of fiber include vegetables, lentils, peas, beans, whole grains, oatmeal, berries, and nuts. Sugars and starch are usually converted to glucose, which is one of the primary nutrients supplying energy to cells. Each glucose molecule is oxidized during the process of cellular respiration into a net of 30 ATP molecules, equivalent to approx. 4 kilocalories of energy per gram of glucose. Glucose is not considered an essential nutrient since it is made in the body. Fiber serves a different purpose; it doesnt get absorbed and simply adds bulk to the lumen of the GI tract. Some fiber decreases LDL levels.