A friend of your's you haven't seen in a year has sallow skin, eyes are bloodshot and a bit yellow, hair is falling out, she is frail, thin, and fragile, her movements are shaky, she is tired all the time, and stopped having normal menses.
Positive feedback that occurs as deficiencies affect organs and systems which can continue to affect other organs and systems
Deficiency of iron can cause anemia, if left untreated, can lead to many heart problems such as heart murmur, heart failure, arrhythmias, and in turn can lead to respiratory problems
Deficiency of calcium and vitamin D which is used to absorb calcium, can cause hypocalcemia. It can affect circulatory system as calcium helps with blood clotting and also the muscular system as it causes smooth muscle blood vessels to relax. This could then lead to problems with the cardiac and respiratory systems
Nutrients: 3 main types of macromolecules, plus vitamins, minerals, and water
How nutrients are necessary for other body systems, including muscular, cardiac, endocrine,
nervous, and urinary.
Water, sodium, magnesium, and potassium are all used to make adjustments to acid-base balance in your body, water is also used to help excrete waste products (urinary)
Biotin and pantothenic acid are important for producing hormones, iodine and selenium help with thyroid gland function which produce many hormones, lipids also help regulate some hormones (endocrine)
Glucose is main energy source for brain cells, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium are required for nerve impulses, vitamin B12 and B1 help maintain the nervous system as a whole (nervous)
Calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium are required for your muscles to move and contract. Protein also helps muscles become stronger (muscular)
Magnesium helps regulate heart rate and rhythm, as well as maintaining normal blood pressure. Omega 3 helps with healthy blood vessels, enhance blood flow, and maintains normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels (cardiac)