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HEALTH (PARTS OF THE BODY (partes del cuerpo) (HEAD (cabeza) (eyes (ojos),…
PARTS OF THE BODY (partes del cuerpo)
HEAD (cabeza)
eyes (ojos)
eyelashes (pestañas)
eyebrows (cejas)
iris (iris)
pupil (pupila)
ears (orejas)
mouth (boca)
tooth (singular) / teeth (plural) - dientes
tongue (lengua)
nose (nariz)
forehead (frente)
brain (cerebro)
skull (cráneo)
NECK (cuello)
throat (garganta)
CHEST (pecho)
heart (corazón)
lungs (pulmones)
ribs (costillas)
stomach (estómago)
BACK (espalda)
spine (columna vertebral)
limbs (extremidades)
arms (brazos)
shoulder (hombro)
elbows (codos)
wrists (muñecas)
hands (manos)
fingers (dedos)
thumb (pulgar)
legs (piernas)
ankles (tobillos)
foot (singular) / feet (plural) - pies
toes (dedos de los pies)
SKIN (piel)
HEALTH PROBLEMS (problemas de salud)
SYMPTOMS (síntomas)
to cough (toser)
to have a sore throat (tener la garganta irritada)
to have a high temperature / fever (tener la temperatura alta / fiebre)
to be itchy (picar)
to sneeze (estornudar)
to have a rash (tener un sarpullido)
ILLNESSES / DISEASES (enfermedades)
have a cold (tener un resfriado)
have the flu (tener la gripe)
to have a headache (tener un dolor de cabeza)
to have a backache (tener dolor de espalda)
to have a stomach ache / an upset stomach (tener dolor de estómago)
to have an earache (tener dolor de oídos)
to be sick (tener ganas de vomitar)
to be / feel dizzy (estar mareado)
to have food poisoning (intoxicación alimentaria)
to have an allergic reaction (tener una reacción alérgica)
INJURIES (lesiones)
swollen (adj) - inflamado
sprained (ankle) - torcido/esguince
broken (arm) - roto
to have a cut (tener un corte)
to have a wound (tener una herida
a sting (from an insect) - una picadura
a bite (from an animal) - mordedura
TREATMENTS (tratamientos)
ointment (crema, pomada, ungüento)
bandage (venda)
pills (pastillas)
x-ray (radiografía)
plaster (tirita)
a cast (escayola)
stitches (puntos)
crutches (muletas)