In this unit of work, students will work together towards a community project, focusing on learning about sustainable environments whilst creating a sustainable environment through the local community to promote healthy wellbeing and living. Connecting Sustainable Futures and Good health and Wellbeing links a deep knowledge into food nutrients and the positive effects it has on our bodies and minds. To engage and promote our classroom learning, an educator of food systems, nutrition and sustinability speaker will come in and explore with the students WHAT can we do to help sustain our environment, and HOW we can keep ourselves healthy. We will also explore WHY is it important to grow our own food, look after and sustain environments and the benefits nutritious foods has for us now, and in the future. The students will firstly develop a food guide pamphlet to use at an upcoming local event (Newcastle City Farmers Markets) of nutritious foods and the health benefits to everyday lives, linking these concepts to helping sustain natural environments and soils. Students will then volunteer in groups at one of the produce stalls and promote their pamphlet alongside the produce to promote its positive benefits with guidance of teachers and parent volunteers. Family and community members will be encouraged to attend the local event, support local farmers and be educated on the positive impacts of fresh food for an overall healthy wellbeing. This event will be used to utilise students' knowledge from the classroom studies and guest speaker to promote a healthy lifestyle to the further community.