my friend looks terrible, her skin is sallow, eyes bloodshot and a bit yellow, and hair falling out. she is thin, fragile, shaky, tired all the time and has irregular menstrual cycle. Is vegan, only eats organic and raw, consumes no meat or animal products (milk, eggs or diary), no gluten, processed foods, avoids GMOs
fat soluble
vitamin E
antioxidant, helps cells from damage
vitamin A
keeps skin, vision and bone healthy
vitamin D
absorbs your calcium, promotes bone growth
vitamin K - allows your blood to clot, controls blood calcium levels
water soluble
vitamin b - helps with energy levels, metabolism of the cell
produce enzymes and hormones, help and build repair tissues
trace minerals
copper - helps with energy production, helps absorb iron
calcium - allows blood to clot, build bones, allows muscle contraction
chloride - maintains blood volume, blood pressure, pH of body fluids
manganese - helps mobilize amino acids, calcium, and cholesterol
sodium - helps nerve and muscle function, maintain BP
magnesium - keeps heart rate normal, keeps immune system healthy
not having meat in the diet can lead to lack of protein which cause muscle cramps, loss of muscle strength and body mass reduction