Keyword Research

The Most Important Part of SEO

Keyword Match Types for SEO and AdWords

Broad match

Phrase match

Exact match

Google displays your ad whenever the searcher’s query includes a word in your SEO keyphrase regardless of the order of words.

Covers all keyword variations including synonyms, plurals, and even misspellings

Generating many clicks. But high bounce rates


Cost increase fast. Be careful.

A search phrases (>= 3,4 words)

Modified Broad Match Type: append the “+” sign to your keyword(s), and Google will show your ad only and only when the search query includes the said keyword(s).

which restricts search queries to your key phrase exactly as it appears even if there are other terms before or after it.

Ex: search phrase “WordPress themes,”
Results: ad for search queries like “WordPress themes,” “premium WordPress themes,” “responsive WordPress themes,” and “free WordPress themes 2018.”

The most restrictive of all match types

Show your adverts only when the searcher uses the exact word or phrase you’re bidding on in AdWords.

Lesser traffic, but the click-through rate (CTR) is impressive.

Use Google Keyword Planner (GKP) to pinpoint relevant variations of your exact match keywords and include them in your AdWords and SEO campaign.

Why Long Tail Keywords Are The Best Choice


Low competition

Sharper focus

High conversion rates

Always, and always, use keywords that are relevant to your target audience. Poor targeting means lost ad spend and poor return on investment (ROI).

How to Find Long Tail Keywords

Google Keyword Planner