Truman Show
Man VS Himself
at the very beginning of the movie, Truman had he's normal daily life just like the other days. But, as soon as he starts to make doubt about he's life, he confuses himself so that he would jump into the car to see if they stops or not. he was able to listen to every action he takes and do. he made a doubt to everyone near him. the doubt was for finding he;s identity of himself. when he saw the people reading their script behind elevator, he was almost getting about what is happening. at the climax when he realize that he's life was in the sets, it looks like he decided to starts he's life again outside of the sets to find out he;s identity.
Man VS Society
Mystery of Life - mystery of life has expressed in Perspective of Truman. what he remember was that he's father was gone forever when Truman and he's father was sailing the Ocean. But one day, he's father just came up in he;s life. he was able to see people reading script behind the elevator. he also sees traffic jam becoming road with no cars in one 1 second.
Privacy of life
privacy of life has expressed with the fact that Truman's life has broadcast to whole world. which means he has no privacy. everything he do and know is what audience knows.
Identity - identity seems really important in this movie. it feels like Truman is confuse about he's identity when he realized that he's life is all fake. we can see that he was confuse about he's identity when Truman become violent to he's wife.
This movie the Truman show contains a lot of conflict between Truman and society. Even the society around Truman is all fake which Truman needs to face it to find he's real life. For example there was a scene where Truman met he's father.
Truman's Friend
Truman's Wife
Truman is the main character of this movie and Truman Show. he was first baby who legally employed. He's entire Whole life was being watched by people. In the movie, Truman was very unique at the first time. as soon as he realized about secret of he's life, he confuses and start's to not trust anyone except he's best friend Marlon. He wants to go to Fiji to meet he's true love Lauren.
Truman's best friend Marlon. Truman and Marlon were best friends so that they talk to each other when they need help. In Truman show, Marlon's job is to not let Truman knows about secret of he's life.
Her name is Meryl Burbank. She met Truman when they were in collage. Her job in the show was to advertise new product. she always advertise thing unnaturally so that Truman doubt about her attitude
Lauren's job in the show was extra at the first time. But the problem was that Truman fell in love with Lauren. Lauren decided to tell Truman the truth about he's life. when steps comes to take Lauren, Lauren tell Truman come to Fiji.
In this movie, costume was one of tool to fake Truman. For example in the Movie, bus driver and boat driver was same people with different costume on. Also Doctor wears surgery cloth even they knows nothing about medic.
The set of the Show was designed like an island so that Truman can't escape. They have made water phobia to Truman so that he cannot escape the sets. There are 5000 camera all over the sets to watch what Truman is doing. They have only built outer space of the building to fake Truman.inside of the buildings are place where actors can take a rest or read their script.