Explain how economic developments from 1450 to 1750 affected social structures over time.
western Europe
the Americas
middle east
East Asia
constantinople fell to the turks and the ottoman empire became a major power
saw the end of a wave of plagues
conclusion of the hundred years war between france and england
invention of the gutenberg printing press caused an increase in literacy
counttries in europe became hegemonic powers as wealthy nations launched explorations inorder to establish colonies
the roman catholic church
boasting a large bureaucracy,corruption,many reforms such as the cluniac reform(many unsuccessful)
theological disagreements
john wycliffe and the lollards argued that priests were unnecessary for salvation
the hussities seen as heretics
babylonian captivity
church power decreased
relocation of papacy in france
captivity gave french rulers greater influence over the church
conficated wealthy cathollic monsteries
suffered as it failed to stop the black death
martin luther
95 theses to church leader in which he objected to the sale of indulgences(get out of jail card but heaven)
indulgences allowed the church to have economic and politcal gain
him and his followers became known as protestants
established seperate church called the lutheran church
social impacts
taught women could have direct access to god
theological revolution
seperation from the church
john calvin, french theologian
authored the institutes of chstian religon and helped reform the religious community in switzerland
the elect ran the community based on plain things
inspired others in diffrent cities
set hiself as the head of the new church of england or anglican church inored to be free of the control of pope in rome
counter reformation
fight against the protestant attacks
usage of the inquisition(punishers of nonbelivers)
society of jesus and the council of trent
wars of religion
fight of german lutheran schmalkadic league resuled in the peace of augsburg
henry IV became the first bourbon on the french throne and remportatily granted religous tolerance
edict of nantes
thirty years war
culminated the peace of westphalia
alloewed each area of HRE to decide on the three religion options
led to economic catastrophe: troops fought for compensation, disease and hunger,depopulating.
new monarchies developed in eurpoes as a result of the desire to centralize power by controlling taxes,army and many aspects of religion
bureaucracies increased and the power of the middle class grew at the expense of lords and churches
led to absolute sovereignty
the true law of free monarchy and divine right of the monarhcy
puritan revolution(stuart monarchy vs parliament)
over the power parliament should have in relation to the monarch
magna carta and the petition of right
restated the propsition that monarch could not levy taxes with consent
glorious revolution
william and mary signed the english bill of rights assured individual civil liberties
wealth measured in gold and silver a country accumulated
designed to sell as many goods to other countires inorder to maximize the amount of gold and silver
mercantilism: heavy governmen tinvolvment in the economy
accumulation of capital produce more wealth in western europe grew as entrepreneurs entered long-distance markets
adam smith challenged mercantilist belief promoting the laiez faire meaning less governemnt involvement in economy
commercial revolution the transformation of commerce from local to large scale internation tade using gold and silver
four factors: development of europeanoverseas colonies, opening of new ocean trade routes,popilation growth and inflation
economy countinued
europes in the indian ocean trade
established maritime empires ones based on sea travel
new tech aided euro seafared in their ecpolarations( compasses, cartography,ships, new types of rudders and inroduction of gun powder).
poruguese in africa. they seeked a way to african gold and all water routes to the east as well as importation of slaves. tooks ports in india
first to circumnavigate the globe.spain annexed philippines. manila became a Spanish commerical center after spaanish campaign to conquer. attracted chinese merchants as well as effected the filipino culture
trading post empires
planned to build a fort, later goes in land india and intervens with the economy and politics. indian procucts flowed thouhg the trading posts. paved a way for globalization.
the counties were either absolutist contorl or contitutionalism.
European interest
new route to asian and gold,silver and other valuable resources
empires had gold and silver that made exploration ,cconquest and settlement profitable
enslavement of native americans and africans
inorder to grow sugar,tobacco and other valuable crops
overpowered by superior weapons and disease
damaged entire native socieies and culture
italian cities controlled ports that had acces to asian trade which they controlled prices of asian imports
inventions made it possible fore europeans to venture farther
christian duty to convert
white mans brden
demographic and envoromental changes
americas had no exposure to teh germs and diseases of that region
disease killed more than half of the population
columbina exchange
new crops and livestock were shared in both directions
potatoes caused a tremendous population rgowth in europe
people also became apart of the exchange:slaves
motivated by profit
encomienderos compelled indigenous people to work for them in exchange for food and shelter
usage of mercury to separate silver allowed for silver mining to grow quicker
many cities became thriving centers of silver mining
need for labor caused the spanish authories to transform the mit'a system into labor system
european powers adopted mercantilism
SIlver ended up in china. china started using it as its main form of currency
portuguese focused on agriculutue for sugar
increased number of african captured and sold via transatlantic skave trade
political changes
exploited the division among the indenous groups to conquer
the groups gave gold inorder for their peace but the european had still conquered via germs or guns
treaty of tordesillas: spain and portugal divide the americas between them
political structures replaced by eurpoean colonial administrations
songhay Empire
main ethnic group in and around the city of gao
conquered and the songhay was absorbed into the mali empire
gained independence
sunni ali became ruler and began to expand into territoy on both sides of the niger river
repressive policies
arrival of the europeans
set up trading posts along the coast
local african rulers traded slaves in exchange for gunpowder and cannons
gave their govenrment a military advantage over neighboring villages
city states grew wealthy by selling their own africans
slaves were a symvol of power and wealth prior to the europeans.
african leaders realized their kingdom could economically benefit from invading neighboring societies for slaves to sell
barracoons: pens where captive africans were taken and held
kingdoms became economically dependent on goods from europe
established the russian orthodox church as a means to. unite the peopole behind their leadership claiming divine right
russians gained welath and power as tax collectors for hte mongols
later on they become autonomous
pivotal position
able to exchange goods and services with other cultures farther east adnwest
expanision into siberia resulted in a robust fur trade also took from america
ivan Iv
known as Ivan the terrible
crowned tsar in 1547
set about to expand the russian border ast
relied on the use of gunpowder
st.Basil's cathedral: tsar and church were united
used cossacks(fierce peasant warriors) to fight the lcoal tribes and siberian khan
gained acces to the volga river allowing them to trade dicrectl with persia and the ottoman empire
used paramilitary forc to control the boyars at home
later becomes russiaan secret police
time of troubles
national assembly called the zemsky sobor
initated the romanov dynasty as they chose michael romanov
pushed boarder back to mongolia and signed a tready with china to confirm their boarder
peter the great
got forign help to build russian militarya nd naval power
used to seize lands on the baltic sea
gave them a warm water port
mimic the atristcracy in the western europe
esatblished new induries owned by states
promoted men based on merit
reorganized the russian government by creating provinces
less corruption by giving them salary
creation of the senate
catherine the great
legitimized power through union with the church
won support of boyars
russo-turkish wars she gained the northern shore of the black sea
esatblishment of schools for girls and smallpox incoulations
countinued the westernization of russia
war weakened the central gov and inceased the power of the noble.
onbles were harsh on serfs
benefitted the government as they were kept under control
Ming Dynasty
economy of china grew
wanted to return to beliefs and customs of china's past erase mongol influence
expanded the land of china by conquering territories
voyage of zhend he
purpose: display the might of the ming dynasty to the rest of the world and receive ribute
won prestige for chinese government and opened up new markets for chiense goods
they returned with exotic treasures
many chinese people motivated to immigrate to the ports
went against confucianism
zhu gaozhi
stopped the travels and decouraged travel out of china
qing dynasty
peasant revolt caused by famine
allowed the ming to oust li zicheng and declare the qing dynasty
ethnically and culturally distinctive people
culuturally dominate
provided stability and expansion
imposed a protectorate over tibet
sold limited trading privleges to the eu powers
proto-industrial society
population increase caused a land shortage
shoguns ruled in the emperors name
daimyo caused conflict as they each had their own army of samurai
ambition to conquer territory
gunpowder weapons allowed saimyo to unify kapan
forced other daimyo to submit
tokugawa shogunate
reorganized the governance of japan in order to centralize control
japan was very divide with each daimyo with his own army
civil war ends and the samuri decline
social pyramid
daimyo,samurai,ronin,peasants,farmers, and lastly merchants
merhcants became wealthier than the daimyo
silk and silver flourished providing a important role in trade
foreigners were expelled from the country nad foreign books were prohibited
weakened by war
isolated form the rest of the world
gunpowder empire
empires that relied on firearms to conquer and control their territories
societies tende to be militaristic
the empires did not modernize while the other European powers did causing the real
traits the empires shared
nomadic turkic backgrounds, spoke forms of the turkic family of languages
took advantage of power vacuums left by breakup of mongol
relied on military
initial success were a result of their own military
mehmed 2
firmly stablished the empire's capital after capturing Constantinople
christian boys were subjects of the empires recruited by force to serve
afte converting to islam they were taught many skills
conquered people were forced to send tribute
controlled the trade of gold and slaves along with other thing ushc as silk, spice and art
levied taxes on the peasants
local officials and tax collectors became corrupt
had trade agreements with European powers
social system built around a warrior aristocracy
power and presitige assumed by the janissaries
harem politics