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Tourism (Economy (Local Tourism Industries (Often, locals set up smaller…
Local Tourism Industries
Often, locals set up smaller businesses to supplement their income
Thèse can include tours, boat rentals, running bed ‘n’ breakfasts in the peak season, and running adventure sports agencies
Insurance and Travel
Multiple forms of travel are set up — cruises, airlines, trains, etc.
Local People
Unfortunately, in small islands, or undeveloped areas, can find them out of jobs
Alternatively, if educated, can find a good source of income as a tour guide, or running a restaurant, etc.
Natural Resources
Low amount of agricultural land creates need for chemical fertilisers, which pollutes the land
Polluted land goes on to pollute other resources - water sources, food, etc.
Human Resources
Can no longer be employed in other industries important to proper functioning — civic jobs, such as tax workers, sanitation workers, plumbers, electricians, etc.
Feel that they will earn more in the tourism industry than they can in the civic body — are also partially right
Are used up in tourism industry, especially for countries with lower populations
Land Area
Very little land for agriculture, and other pastoral activities. Land which is remaining is often polluted by the disposal of waste from mines
Since there is so little land, the country is forced to import goods, stressing the economy
Used in constructing resorts, roads, airports, to accommodate tourists