
Side effects

Change in libido

Change in mood

Change in energy level

Increased aggression

Male-patterned baldness

Blurred vision


Increased hemoglobin

Mechanism of action

Clomid binds to receptors in the brain to increase the production of FSH, LH.

FSH is essential for sperm production

Increasing the level of these hormones lead to increase in testosterone

Thus this increases spermatogenesis


Hormonal imbalance caused by improper functioning of pituitary gland

Exposure to too much estrogen

Medical condition e.g diebetes, cystic fibros

Infertility control in both male and females



History of having liver problems

If you're having pituitary gland tumor

If you have Abnormal vaginal bleeding you're not allowed to take clomid

If you're having problems with thyroid or adrenal gland


Stored in a closed container

Keep away from heat or direct light

Do not freeze

Keep away of reach of children


It a tablet, it can be taken orally