Reproductive System - Thomas Cruz P.4

Major functions of the
Reproductive system

Anatomy of male and female reproductive structures and their functions

hormones of the reproductive system;

Events of the female hormonal cycles

Disorders of the
reproductive system

Production of egg and sperm cells (and spermatogenesis and oogenesis)

Mature developing offspring (female reproductive system)

Produce Hormones (Testosterone, Estrogen, etc)

Help complete fertilization

Develop Secondary Sex Characteristics

Cervical Cancer

Erectile Dysfunction

Testicular Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

major cause of infertility; scars uterine tubes; caused by severe inflammation

swelling occurs; two main types; testicular cells become malignant in one or both testes; 1 in 40,000 per year

tested with a Pap smear; risks multiple pregnancies, STIs, and cervical problems; 450,000 affected

unable to maintain an erection; can be more common in older males

treated with radiation and therapy; third most common cause cancer death in males; gets worse over time without treatment

Testosterone: involved in the development of the testes and prostate; helps grow the secondary sex characteristics

Progesterone: involved with fertility/pregnancy and menstruation

Luteinizing Hormone (LH): triggers ovulation; produces testosterone

Estrogen: primary female sex hormone; creates secondary sex characteristics

Inhibin: inhibits the release of FSH and is secreted by the gonads

Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone: releases FSH and LH from anterior pituitary

Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH): regulates growth, development, and maturation of the reproductive process




Vas Deferens




Seminal Vesicle


primary male sex organ; urine and sperm exit the body through it

help produce sperm; are the male gonads; secrete hormones such as testosterone

contains the testes within it; regulates the temperature of the testes and can differ in temperatures; acts as a form of protection to the testes

transports sperm to urethra; prepares for ejaculation

helps the sperm mature; transports and stores sperm

produces semen; puts semen into the ejaculatory duct

ejaculates semen once orgasm has been reached

Uterine Tubes






helps connect the uterus to the cervix; allows menstruation, sexual intercourse, and birth to happen

produces eggs, estrogen, and progesterone

where fertilization occurs; helps sperm travel to the egg

lets blood from uterus out of the vagina; directs sperm into the uterus

divided into the minor and majora; protects the structures of the vulva and the clitoris, urinary and vaginal places

nurtures the fertilized ovum; the wall of the uterus sheds monthly during menstrual cycle

  1. Proliferate (pre-ovulatory) Phase, Days 5-14: the endometrium rebuilds itself; basal layer of the endometrium generates a new functional layer; ovulation occurs at the 14th day in response to the LH surge from the anterior pituitary

Secretory (post-ovulatory) Phase, Days 15-28: most constant time wise; endometrium prepares for an embryo to implant; cervical plug is formed; corpus luteum degenerates toward the end of the secretory phase as LH blood levels decline

  1. Menstrual Phase, Days 0-4: the uterus sheds all but the deepest part of the endometrium; accompanied by bleeding for 3-5 days; day 4 - growing ovarian follicles start to produce more estrogens