SETTING UP: We will have 10 markers for the sides of the field, 5 on each side of it. 4 markers will be at the corners of the field, for it's general layout. The field will be 20 ft x 10 ft. There will be maybe a marker or two next to the goal posts, to specify the layout of the field. We won't have a half line, maybe just a cone on either side of the half of the field, so the referee and players still know where there half lies. The equipment manager will be setting up the field, along with a few others from the rest of the team. This is how the responsibilities will be divided equally. COLLECTION: The equipment manager will wait till the end of each match to correct the layout of the field, only if it is disturbed. Otherwise, the equipment manager and a few others from the team will be collecting all the equipment, and keeping them back after the end of the tournament, and while the certificates are being given out.