Intervention #1: Assess the cardiac system- assess heart sounds, apical pulse rate, peripheral (radial, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial) pulses, BP, HR, capillary refill, and presence of edema in the upper and lower extremities (Rodgers, 2008, p. 59).
Intervention #2: Assess the respiratory system- assess breath sounds, respiratory rate and effort (labored or unlabored), and depth (deep or shallow) (Rodgers, 2008, p. 60).
Intervention #3: Assess for changes in mental status (restlessness, confusion, agitation, and decreased LOC) (Rodgers, 2008, p. 60).
Intervention #4: Teach the patient to rest between activities and to stop activities that cause shortness of breath (Rodgers, 2008, p. 60).
Intervention #5: Monitor the following lab values: EKG, electrolytes, O2 sat, and ABG's (Rodgers, 2008, p. 60).
Evaluation of intervention #3: Pt remained AAA x 3 today.There was no restlessness or change in mental status.
Evaluation of intervention #4: The pt understood and stated that he will rest between each activity.
Evaluation of intervention #5: An EKG was performed and it showed sinus tachycardia with a left bundle branch block.
Patient will verbalize understanding of all of the medications he is on such as Enalapril, Furosemide, Carvedilol, Digoxin, and Potassium chloride by stating the mechanism of action for each medication as per the nurse-provided medication handout without assistance from the nurse or family during the shift on 4/7/20.
Goal met. The patient verbalized the medication names and actions as indicated in the previous goal today.