Text / Discourse Analysis, Archival Research, Coding/Writing

Archival / historical research

Text / discourse analysis

Writing / coding qualitative data

Reason for conducting discourse analysis (Dittmer, 2010)

Purpose of Coding (Cope, 2016)

Socially constructed historical evidence (Craggs, 2016)

Text (Doel, 2016)

Messy multiplicity of meanings associated with the discourse. such complexity related to the “language-in-use” can be applied in several scales.

‘Text’ can conjure up several terms aside from what we think.

Also, several texts provide redundant information which make us get bogged down to interpret endless explanations / imaginations. Consequently, readers may zoom in insignificant information but neglect the divisions of these text

  1. Coding helps researchers utilize the large amounts of data to obtain the key themes through data reduction

Power of qualitative research (Pawson & DeLyser, 2016)

  1. Coding helps researchers organize data.
  1. Coding helps researchers explore and analyze data, and thus generate theories.

Interactions with specific lives of participants instead of statistics of numbers. Such power provides insights from human experiences, focuses on understanding of complex social worlds and social context.

Caught in the nick of time (Lorimer, 2010)

Historical evidence consists of the production and preservation from the perspective of the culture, politics, economics, and society.

The methodological inclination has changed from the predominantly computation to the knowingly skill. Such shifts, referring “Caught in the nick of time”, create their own distinctive cultures and styles.

Example using archival research (Roche, 2016)

Tied to history, and to historical geography.

Presentations and documents to obtain knowledge and compare with latest skills.

Challenges of archival research (Roche, 2016)

  1. Archives are mainly created by the upper echelons of society and thus occur “colonial archive”.
  1. It may exist the technical difficulty to truly read archives. Handwriting can be difficult to read, and mistakes in interpretation can also happen.

Ethical / methodological considerations (Moore, 2010)

  1. The researcher should carefully negotiate and understand the censorship enacted by the archival politics due to the sensitive or controversial nature.
  1. The researcher should consider ethnics and effects on the communities.

Application example

Exploring the importance of Job search materials in discipline and finds the gender or racial differences in the job process which affects discipline (Seager, 2000).

Exploring the HIV infection risk among married women in a rural community of Mexico, and thus propose that intervention developments should focus on sexual geographies and risky spaces (Hirsch, Meneses, Thompson, Negroni, Pelcastre, del Rio, . 2007).

My own application practice

Analysis of 125 responses by questions "What major factors lead you into teaching?" based on the research of Cope (2016).