lymphatic system

Major functions of the
Lymphatic & Immune systems

Anatomy of the lymphatic system (including vessels, nodes, MALT, spleen and thymus)

Innate/natural immune defenses and Adaptive/acquired immune defenses

humoral vs. cellular response

antigens and antibodies

disorders of the Immune system

Rheumatoid arthritis


Diabetes type 1

return clean fluids and leaked proteins back to the blood

drain rest of the fluid from the tissue

play an essential role in body defenses and resistance to diseases

protect the body from foreign invaders



Antibodies produced by the B cells

bind to antigens

occurs inside infected cells

mediated by T lymphocytes



capable of stimulating an immune response

distinct surface features

Y-shaped proteins produced by B cells

response to exposure to antigens



first line of defense

physical, chemical and cellular defenses against pathogens

only found in vertebrates

consists of antibodies and lymphocytes

humoral response and the cell mediated response

tailoring of the response to the particular foreign invader

waits to attacm

responds immediately

already in the body

created in response




Spleen and thymus

scattered along collecting vessels

walls overlap to form a flap

interstitial fluid leak lymph into capillaries

mucosa associated lymphatic tissue

protects digestive and reproductive tract

located on left side of abdomen next to stomach

filters blood

destroys worn out cells

act as blood resevoir