Was propaganda more important than repression?-------------Repression and Propaganda play different roles in garnering support for hitler's regime, Repression only works to stifle any criticism and to suppress ay opposing thoughts, however there needs to be a partnering principle that works to idolize and advertise the Nazi Ideology that hitler was attempting to push forth. Propaganda allowed Hitler to garner support and win over the public by playing to their interests and environment including controlling 2/3 of the press, posters, film, rallies, meeting, etc. Repression on the other hand would only shy people away from outward disobedience, but it doesn't guarantee that Hitler would have as strong as a basis. For his regime to be consolidated the people themselves needed to belie in his ideology as opposed to forcefully obliging out of fear for persecution. Jailing and concentration camps would not complete the job, nor a system of only propaganda that didn't enforce consequences to difference.