Chapter 6: Social Security Legislation (OSHA)

OSHA in Malaysia is act provides the legislative framework to secure the safety, health and welfare among all Malaysian workforce's and to protect others against risks to safety and health in connection with the activities of persons at work.

Objectives of OSHA 1994

Secure the safety, health and welfare of persons at work

Protect persons at place of work

Promote an occupational environment for persons

Parties related to OSHA

i) Employees

They have not been given appropriate training to identify hazard and implement safe work procedures

They feel powerless of the supervisors who sees profit before safety

Misunderstand instructions or fail due to communication and language difficulties

Department of Safety and Health (DOSH)

ii) Employers

should concern and ensure the safety of the workplace and the health of their employees

Provide first aid, medical care or counselling for trauma

Enforcement and promotional works that employers, self-employed persons, manufacturers, designers, importers, suppliers and employees always comply with existing legislation, guidelines and codes of practice.

Formulate and review legislation, policies, guidelines and codes of practice pertaining to OSHA and welfare as a basis in ensuring safety and health at work

Responsibilities of employees under OSHA

  1. safety Policy
  1. Safety Committee
  1. Safety and Health Officer
  1. Train Employees

Duties of SHO

Advising the employer to improve the safety and health in organization

Inspecting in the workplace


Act as a secretary to the OSHA Committee

Assist in implementing safety and health programmes at the workplace

Submitting a monthly report to the employer on safety and health related matters