After the Nigerian civil war Jonathan Iwegbu who is a survivor of this war is with his wiefe and his 3 children, he is been surprised by what he calls a "miracle" that is that his bikecycle and his old hoouse are still on foot. So he decides to little by little repair his house with parts from other destructed houses. As he only has the bicycle, Iwegbu makes some money by starting a taxi service and with that profits he opened a bar specially for the soldiers. He recibes a 20 dolars prize for his works and goes to his house. Later that night when Iwegbu is dinning with his family a group of thieves nock the door and ask them for 100 pounds, and they say that if they don't give them the money they will hurt Jonathan and his family, Iwegbu tells them he doesn't have any more than 20 pounds from the prize he won, and he beggs for mercy. After many time arguing with the robbers Jonathan finally makes the thiefs realize that they don't have any more than the 20 pounds, so they take the money and leave without hurting anyone. The next day Jonathan and his family leave to work and he encounters with his neighbors, and as he explains what happened the night before Jonathan repeats his famous phrase, "Nothing puzzles God".