In 1945 the United Stated charter was adopted, it was effective and ready to be enforced. It started because of the necessity of better arbitrating international conflicts, negotiating peace. World War II started to grow the U.S, Britain and the Soviet Union to begin formulating the U.N declaration. A couple of years later 26 nations had already signed the declaration as a formal act of opposition to the axis. “Save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights,... to establish conditions under which justice and respect for obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom", This is the points that the United Nation defends. The U.N is an organization that promotes peace in the world, they also work on improving solving economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian problems around the world. The U.N officially declared peace on the world.
In 1945 after World War II ended the alias all got together to define and judge the future of the Nazis that remained alive, this judgment had in base three major charges, a war crime, a crime against peace and crime against humanity. This judgment happen with 22 very important people, which some were condensed to death, some were ordered to go to perpetual prison and others that were sent to prison but not forever. They had this tittle "The Nuremberg" because the judgment happened in Nuremberg (Germany), they choose to do it there because it was a part where the war didn't reach and because they wanted to judge the Nazis in their own country as a symbol and a lesson.