Hydrogen in Smart Cities

Input Sources

Data Collection



1) Initial background research & plans

2) Interviews and determine value drivers

3) Data collection to satisfy needs

4) Strawman solutions proposal




Melbourne Water

Municipal wasterwater

Industrial wastwater



Renewable energy source

"Green" non-renewable



Grid electricity



Wind Farms




Renewable LCOE(1e)(3b)

Can be cracked to release H & N



Carbon dioxide
(from SMR and Coal Processes)

Burn H for fuel - energy loss prohibitive when using H as battery

Uncertainty on development of smart & sustainable city

Potential Business Ideas

(fuel cell/combustion engine)


Council Fleets


Garbage trucks



Residential houses (3b)(3c)
(Micro CHP fuel cell)

Blended power grid (3b)

Commercial buildings (3b)

Blended pipeline (1e)(3c)

Working in a team

Project details

Sponsor organisation

Value proposition

Customer profile (Wood) (1a)

Value map (our report)

Pains (1b,e)(3b)


Jobs to be done(1e)

Pain relievers(1e)(2a)

Gain creators(1b,f)(3a)

Products and services(3c,d)


Current Relationship(1f)




1) Forming

2) Storming

3) Norming

4) Performing

b) Existing application

c) Future markets

d) Technology

f) Wood's current relationship

a) Wood's strategy

b) Clients (Melbourne Water, city counils)

a) Policy advisors (City councils, ITM Power)

a) Use of technology

b) Predicted application in
a smart city

c) Wood's potential offerings

a) Interview clients to validate

b) Survey Wood staff to validate

Wants to position company for early
penetration before hydrogen market develops

Currently 50% of customers in O&G. Wood looking to transition, along with their clients where possible, into the renewable space

Melbourne Water



Schedule weekly meetings


Trello for project tasks

Zoom meetings twice a week

Slack for communications

Google Drive for storage

Constructive peer responses

Productive divisions to conquer

Frequent updates

Individual chats

Rendezvous to move forward

Explore opportunities for affordable hydrogen electrolyser

Integration of product into smart cities by identifying target markets

Feasibility studies into political and industrial trends

Propose viable service to provide in hydrogen market

Only analyse markets to form part of Wood's relationships/reach

Localised solution in City of Melbourne

Identify at least 3 significant stakeholders (e.g. industry expert, policy advisor, potential client)

Stakeholder interviews list

At least 3 strawman solutions addressing roles and opportunities

4 waves of data collection

Detaild report with novel proposal of new service in hydrogen industry

Final proposal with way forward to client (Wood)

If Wood does not incorporate Hydrogen into it's service offering it may lose business and miss out on entering the hydrogen market in the future

There is high risk for Wood to adopt the market at its infancy that may result in large sunk costs

Wood is potentially looking at utilizing their partnership with
Melbourne Water to source inputs for electrolyser

Wood needs to transition its business from predominantly oil and gas clients to clients who focus on sustainability and incorporate renewable energy into their business

Wood needs to know how Hydrogen electrolysis fits into the future of a smart city

R&D to understand what Hydrogen electrolysis projects are currently in place in Australia

Reduces the risk of missing out on hydrogen opportunities

Aviod taking large sunk costs from taking up the investment too early by knowing the market conditions

Predicted Application of Hydrogen Electrolysis in a Smart CIty (inputs and Outputs)

Save project cost by researching best available technologies and knowing the cost of each option and identifying price points

Overcome technology difficulties through innovation

Consultancy and digital pioneering in Hydrogen market

Infrastructural expertise for sustainability

Feasibility of a Hydrogen electrolysis plant

Wood will be able to transition its internal skill sets to adapt the coming energy transition

Other companies have started to do pilot projects in Australia

Wood needs to meet the demand by customers for sustainable living.

d) Pilot project suggestions

Australian market conditions and geography favours renewables over hydrogen

Competition with cheaper grid electricity


Delivery trucks (1c)

Forklifts (Toyota is doing this) (2b)

Personal vehicles

Refueling stations (1c)(3d)

Uneven efforts and task distribution

Using team's culture map to give insight to differences

Having difficult conversations

Green and innovative image for Wood, securing potential sustainable customers

Build upon current partners with similar views

Safety concerns

ExxonMobil (largest)

Business Model(1a)(3c)

Asset Management

Engineering Consultancy

Project Management & Development

championing the a niche market by identifying synergy between partner and economically viable niche markets

e) Political, social, industrial views

Salient points on ways to penetrate the market

Experienced with SWIFTH2 Hydrogen project in Scotland

A PR issue. H2 is a low density gas, can easily escape cracks and not detonate compared with current gas

Exporting competition

Lower cost for green H2 available in Canada

need to carefully differentiate H2 products to serve in more profitable niched markets. Idea of comparative advantage in different industries

4 predictive cases from WoodPlc Research (1a)(1c)(1e)

Participate in collaboration with public-private initiatives to gain exposure and experience