A college student from an wealthy Indian-American family and a punk musician belonging to a violent cult fall in love






Where does the story take place?

Hawaii in the 1980s

Where do they fall in love?

A small venue rock show

Why do they fall in love?

simple reasons

they're lesbians

They think they're both attractive

Opposites attract

When do the characters fall in love?

Sarah is in her first year of college

Kitty is in her early 20s

How does the story derail?

Who are these characters?



Who are the other characters involved

Sarah falls in love

How is this a problem?

Lack of family approval (homophobic/family responsibilities)

Religion (Christian/Catholicism)

Sarah realizes she wants to pursue music as a career

Kitty falls in love

Kitty plans a murder suicide where she kills Sarah and her and they are reunited in "heaven"

Tommy has to quit music club

Tommy, president and only other member of Radio club

Cult Leader

Significant locations?

Radio club

College campus

local music venue

Sarah's family home

cult HQ

What is this period of her life like?


sarah is figuring out her sexuality

sarah is figuring what she wants to do in life as a career

What is this period of her life like?

She uses her status as a musician to trick young college students into the cult

She is just going with the motions

Sarah is the youngest child in a family with two older brothers

Who are these brothers?

Oldest brother is the heir to the mango empire

Second brother works as a detective (against will of parents)

Has a family (arranged marriage)

Has one child, baby girl

Married to heiress to a skin lightening product empire

Bachelor (possibly bi)

Smokes from stress


Wants to be the host of a radio station one day

Works several jobs to get through college

Sex cult

Extremely secretive

Maintains God like status in cult

Enjoys music, maybe only loves music (in the beginning)

Disowned by family at age 14 due to queerness