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Circulatory + Osmoreglation/Excretion (Chapter 42= Circulatory and…
Circulatory + Osmoreglation/Excretion
Chapter 42
= Circulatory and Respiratory System
42.1 Circulatory systems link exchange surfaces with cells throughout the body
Simple Diffusion = use gastrovascular cavity for exchange + flat body
All Animals have circulatory fluid, tubes, muscular pump
Types of Circulatory
: hemolymph leaves the tube and circulates throughout the organs
ex. grasshopperrs
Open: Blood is concentrated at a lower pressure
: deliver blood directly with their hearts
ex. earthworms
Single Circulation-
single circuit (loop)
ex. sharks, rays, bony fish
Double Circulation
- two circuits of blood flow
ex. amphibians,reptiles,mammals
Organization of Vertebrate Circulatory Systems
= carry blood AWAY from the heart
= point of exchange
= return blood TO the heart
42.2 Coordinated Cycles of Heart Contraction drive double circulation in mammals
Mammalian Circulation
poor oxygen from right ventricle
pulminary arteries
left atrium
left ventricle
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2 Circulations
= lungs
operate simutaneously
Atrioventricular valves=
between atrium and ventricle = prevents backflow into atria
Semilunar valves
= prevents backflow into ventricle
Evolution of Vertebrate Circulatory System
2 Chamber
- 1 ventricle and 1 atrium (ex.Fish)
3 Chamber
- mixing of blood (ex. Amphibians)
3 Chamber
- no complete separation between oxygen poor and oxygen rich (ex. Reptiles)
4 Chamber
- complete separation of blood + 2 systemic circuits (ex. Birds and Mammals)
vena cava, r. atrium. r. ventricle, pulmonary artery
42.3 Patterns of blood pressure and flow reflect the structure and arrangement of blood vessels
Cardiac Cycle = 1 complete sequence of pumping
= Contraction phase
= Relax phase
Measurement of Blood Pressure = 120/70
Artery Capillary beds
push increases blood pressure and low concentration
Vein side of Capillaries
Osmosis is greater than blood pressure
Exchange across capillary walls
endocytosis and exocytosis
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Lymphatic System
transports white blood cells
collects interstitial fluid and returns to blood
transports fats
Control of Heart
synchronized by SA node/ peacemaker
Cardiovascular disease- heart disease, cancer, stroke
High Blood Pressure = increase of blood vessels
42.4 Blood components function in exchange, transport, and defense
Blood = fluid (plasma) + cells
55% of plasma
45% of cells are RBC, WBC, platelets
= erythrocytes- transport gases
come from stem cells bone marrow
lack nuclei and mitochondria
come from stem cells bone marrow
= blood clots
positive feedback
prothrombin and thrombin
Cardiovascular Disease
heart attack
damage of cardiac muscle tissue
death of nervous tissue/lack of O2
hardening of the arteries by accumulation of fat
highblood pressure
42.5 Gas exchange occurs across specialized respiratory surfaces
Gas Exchange= CO2 and O2
Aquatic Animals= Gills
outfolds of body
water carries gas, and blood flows in other direction
helps with diffusion
Land Animal= Lungs
Insects have tracheae
Lungs= Alveoli
focused in p.v and vena cava
Air through nostrils
Trachea (windpipe)
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Negative Pressure
= breathing due to changing pressures in lungs
low pressue + pulling air
Positive Pressure Breathing
= pushing air
ex. frogs
Ch 44
= Osmoregulation and Excretion
44.1 Osmoregulation balances the uptake and loss of water and solutes
Excretion- elimination of nitrogenous waste
Thermoregulation- maintain temperature within tolerable range
Osmoregulation- solute balance and gain or loss of water
Water Balance
Salt water = hyper tonic - manage water loss from cells
land = manage water loss / need to conserve water
Freshwater = hypotonic - manage water moving into cells
Osmoconformer is a stable concentration, where it isoosmotic with its surroundings
ex. seawater
Osmoregulator on the other hand tries to match its internal osmolarity with its external environment.
Osmosis-movement of water through a semipermiable membrane
high to low concentration
these affect osmolarity
44.2 An animal's nitrogenous wastes reflect its phylogeny and habitat
Ammonia (NH3) - very toxic + very soluable + dilute it
freshwater organisms
dilute then excrete
lowest volume
Urea - less toxic
kidney - will pull the urea out the blood like a filter
liver= makes urea
consist of NH3 and CO2
ex. humans
Uric Acid- Least toxic + less soluable
birds, insects, reptiles
notice how a bird's poop is a liquid=less waste
44.4 The Nephron is organized for stepwise processing of blood filtrate
Nephron- remove urea and other solutes (salt, sugar...)
Processes blood into nephron
Filtration happens at the Bowman's capsule
Re-absorption - proximal tubule
Loop of Henle- descending limb
Ascending limb of loop of henle
Distal tubule
Reabsorb water in the collecting duct
transporting sodium + chlorine into medulla (make medulla hypotonic)
high to low concentration
juxatamedullary nephrons
reabsorbed NaCl, H2O, glucose, HCO3
Bowman's capsule=blood pressure
44.3 Diverse excretory systems are variations on a tubular theme
- reabsorb needed substances
-pump out unwated substances (ions) to urine
water and soluble material removed
filtrate=maintain homeostasis of ph
- remove excess substances and toxins
veins= away from kidney
deliver blood to kidney
Malpighan tubes=insects
flamebulb=flat worms
protonephridia=freshwater flatworm
44.5 Hormonal circuits link kidney function, water balance, and blood pressure
ADH= permeability to water = increasing aquaporin channel
regulates osmolarity
moniters osmolarit
ADH= activate receptors
receptors signal transduction=inserts aquaporin proteins
renin-angiotensinaldosterone system= regulates kidney function
responds to low blood volume
RAAS leads to JGA= tissue consisting of cells around arteriole
result of loop of henle
increase of urine=increase of ADH