Intervention #1: Assess respiratory system by noting respiratory rate, depth, chest expansion, rhythm, breath sounds, arterial blood gases, pulse oximetry, and skin color (Rodgers, 2008, p. 149).
Intervention #2: Assess cardiac system for signs of right-sided heart failure and side effects of medications and institute appropriate interventions to address (Rodgers, 2008, p. 150).
Intervention #3: Administer bronchodilators as ordered, and monitor for side effects (Rodgers, 2008, p. 149).
Intervention #4: Administer antibiotics if respiratory infection is present, or prophylactically, as ordered (Rodgers, 2008, p. 150).
Intervention #5: Teach pulmonary hygiene: prevention of infections, maintaining optimal health, and getting the flu and pneumonia vaccines (Rodgers, 2008, p. 150).
SMART GOAL: Priority #1
The patient will report a decrease in difficulty breathing and have a respiratory rate of less than 28 after resting for 20 minutes with the use of a 0-10 scale (0 being no difficulty, 10 being extreme difficulty) by the end of my shift.