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The first part of 1900 in England (The literature has been subject of a…
The first part of 1900 in England
Edward VII successed queen Victoria starting the edwardian age that will last until 1920
There aren't been many social changes, in deed problems like the great poverty and the social classes distiction kept occuring
Political changes have been important. In deed liberals won 1906 elections and a laissez-faire economy has been adopted.
There have been several important emendament acts, the Old Age pension Act (1908), the National Insurance Act (1911) about free health care benefits, and the has been created fundation of the Walfare State, that took care of schools and Children's Act.
There has been sufragettes movement asking for right of vote.
The literature has been subject of a lot of changes, due to the need of new kind of expression and the social and historical changes of the British society.
New theorys and concepts of knowledge made authors create a new way to narrate that involved the novel. This because they thought it was impossible recreate the complexity of the human being through traditional tecnique.
The novelists rejected omniscent narrator, used new metode to describe the consciousness of the individual (using tecniques like theinterior monologue), and gave more importance to the subjective way to see thinghs.
The stream of conciousness was the continual flow of thoughts of an individual who appear disjointed and nonsense, because it proceed throught ideas associations. It has been used as a writing tecnique (the interior monologue), since it could describe clearly the way of thinking of a character. Otherways in it punctuation lacks, because it has to represent the quick and natural flow of thoughts.
The inner monologue could be represented also with different level of narration, describing more thougghts simultaniously; or it could be indirect, when instead of representing verbaling the thoughts of the character it is guided from the narrator to make the reader figure hte scene out more clearly (also using descriptions). However into the inner monologue the concept of space olways lacks, because the ideas and the actions are always theorical and move on a time line.
Influenced by the new theorys about time, authors searched new methods to narrate, refusing the cronological time lines and making storyes more complex through flashbacks, ellipsises and other narrative tecniques.
Novelists have been forced into a position of moral and psychologycal uncertainity, reason why they have studied ways to be more critical and realistic about human mental processes.
The values of the past have been considered inappropriate, because the main theme of the novel were psychological processes of characters, instead of the blame of the society.
An important cultural revolution occurred, thanks to Freud theory and pubblication that changed the view of the human.
Freud introduced the concept of Ego and Superego, affermed that dreams are a manifestation of our deep desires and created several theorys about children that caused scandals and a total change of human point of view.
Freud defined the child as polymorphously perverse, because he theorised that his sexual identity develops in the childhood in the familiar enviroment.
The new theorys about human psyche influenzed a lot the human think, as a consequence art have been involved too.
Carl Gustav Jung continued Freud's studies, introducing the collective unconscious, as a cultural memory of the knoledge of the mass, operating on a symbolic level comprehensible only by poets and scientists.
Other scientists and thinkers have been very important, like Nietzsche, Marx and Einstain